Time to say good bye LinkedIn!
LinkedIn seems to be compromised meanwhile too much.
I got today a message and contact approach based on "sharing my experience with somebody else". It turned out at the end as an AI fake and phishing attack.
I got pictures of a very young, nice looking girl. Asking myself: "could it be my grand daughter?" All questions about "what is the topic to share with you?" ended up in the phishing approach to get just my WhatsApp account.
After a while, the AI made a mistake: it messed up with "she/he" (a Chinese AI engine not yet well trained?). Now it was obvious: it is AI !: I am talking to a machine. Otherwise: why the "other person" can send so quickly a new picture? And this picture was full of artefacts, e.g. sparkling stars all over the place, also on the front neck of the person (placed as foreground all over the picture). "Nice trial".
The other annoying issue is: people in Germany, I hope this is not fake and AI generated, calling her name as "Professor", sharing a post in the name of a "Professor", posting something, mainly to complain what is going wrong in Germany. The "slang" used is like the one of ordinary people in a pub, when drunken. Hard to believe that "German Professors" talk this way.
I cannot imagine that real "Professors" will ever use such a slang. And even they have an opinion, something to add and to remark: they are already "in power" to educate people, to teach students, to improve the world. That "German Professors" share posts with an ordinary language and "just complaining" as everybody else... - to read this here in the US makes me pretty uncomfortable.
Reading "hate speech", especially when posted with the names of "Professors", makes me really unhappy! Even if "these people" cannot find an appropriate way to speak, cannot stop to share "drastic posts" (maybe even conspiracy) - who else could I trust here? If "Professors" abuse LinkedIn to share their "drastic speech" when they have already their big audience with students - makes me really angry.
Is LinkedIn still a serious platform, with real (!) and serious (!) people?
Meanwhile, I do not think so. Meanwhile, I do not have any benefit anymore when using LinkedIn. Instead: I have to "filter" myself the "hate speech", the "AI generated fakes", do not trap into phishing attacks ... It takes more time to "filter" and "validate" what I had to read, what I get. And at the end: nothing is really left as a value for me (e.g. a new contact, a new information). Most is wasted time when reading.
It takes too much time to separate the "good" from the "crap" and there is no value anymore to use LinkedIn.
Good bye, all my friends on LinkedIn. Good bye LinkedIn.
If somebody wants to get still in touch with me - he will find me (e.g. via Google). And a regular letter sent to me might work much better (and would reflect the seriousness). Any other Social Media or online way to to stay in touch seems to me corrupted and abused. I cannot waste anymore so much time (I am approaching the rest of my life and I want to be efficient to use the remaining years, not wasting it with LinkedIn and other Social Media stuff).
Please, send me an email or a letter. Nothing anymore via LinkedIn, even not anymore broadcast emails about job opportunities (you should realize how old I am). Good bye.