Time to Save the Next Generation.
2024 World Peace Award Recipient: Ambassador of Peace. Quantum Master Healer, Conflict Negotiator, International Best-Selling Author and Global Motivational Speaker.
We face many things at this time. This is the same as many times in the existence of humanity. Humanity has seen economic crashes, pandemics, civil rights issues, and on and on. Everytime the powers that be come forward to speak it can be observed how many situations have echoed through the media and infected the masses. The time is now, as we face this latest infection that has been imposed on the world, it can be shifted right where we are now.
A critical space that continues to come forward in the lives of many has come from the introduction and the awareness of mental illness. What can be said of having come from a? large family. My Grandmother Mary alone had twenty one siblings, so there was never a shortage of people and different life expressions along the way. Everyone has something to experience in this life and that seems to be why we are here.
In this day many are experiencing an overwhelming amount of trauma and suicide in the world. The result released by the CDC recent numbers of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey confirm that high school students are experiencing alarming rates of violence, poor mental health, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. (2021 results)
The solution to many of the problems at hand and this one is critical to address. The solution must be put into play. The solution is to empower all to stand for themselves and choose to live better. It is time to strengthen homes, and communities for the next seven generations to have a world we all know is possible.
There are questions that have been asked and can be asked again to keep us going forward.?
What are the principles you will stand for 100%? When looking at the traumas many are facing, taking the time to sit with what is real is where freedom can be birthed. What is real can not be altered. If it can be altered then it is a creation of the mind and at any point something different can be created. By looking into this question power can be reclaimed in every individual's life.?
Are you in alignment with what you follow? When following there are parameters that are laid in front of the path to follow. When asking yourself if you are in alignment, become an empowered follower. It is important for everyone to take the power back in their lives. Learn to lead oneself and respect that all have been given the power of choice. Choose wisely. Empower others to choose the best that is best for their highest good and we will see that path will lead to the highest good for others as well.
84% of the people in the world identify with a religion. In the religions around the world are people following the text? There is good in many paths and all are looking to elevate the lives of their followers. Everyone has to step on their path and choose to do better. When one knows better they must do better.
Christianity number one principle. ““You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”” This is the greatest and first commandment. By doing this fully love will be called forward for all.?
It can be seen how many Buddhist follow their golden rule. The first precept is to refrain from killing. It means honoring all life, not acting out of hatred or aversion in such a way as to cause harm to any living creature. Again a principle when followed will create a new world around us.
"There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim's complete acceptance of and total commitment to Islam. Muhammad stands in love of all. A willingness to follow will bring forward Peace.
Another golden rule is that of the Jewish Faith practice. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.” Jewish scholars often refer to this section from Leviticus as the Holiness Code, this part is where many commandments of how those practicing Judaism are to treat others. By following this rule, only love can be done as long as one realizes they love themselves.
It is easy to see by these first principles and rules that one should follow that there is a definite way to walk forward on each individual path. In many cases, especially in the United States God has taken a back seat. In 1962 the ban of God in schools showed statistics that were different than expected. Since the separation of God in schools, violent crimes went down, suicide rates went down from 1962 - 2022. God can never be removed from anything even when humans may want to eliminate it. The truth is it is man's interpretation of God’s will that has caused the problems since the dawn of man and knowledge. The most recent spike in mental illness seems to be from an increase in awareness of the problem.
What comes up here is there is a direct correlation to what is brought into the awareness of people and how it grows simply because of realizing it is there. In the bible there is an important passage that is often overlooked. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1?
It can be seen how many follow and few are watching how they are putting things into existence from that which is followed. Ask yourself who is God speaking to and what was it saying? Then ask now what?
In the end there is one question that deserves major reflection, by taking the time to look within and find the power to move ahead everyone around can be affected and elevated in a grand way. What are you willing to let go of to be in alignment with what you stand for, will you give up everything to own it?
When sitting and looking at how life has unfolded there are true principles that shape how I move forward in life. The principles that guide me along the journey stand the test of time for me. It is incredible to witness those who move from their own principles that stand when no one is truly watching.?
My principles are built on truths that have been discovered along the way. These truths were not talked about often and because of that I chose to implement them in my life fully.
There are principles of many peoples' religious walks that can move us all to greater heights. What if people just lived them all the way? What would the world look like? There are many more golden rules for people in the religions of the world. How many of their followers are willing to live with them in every way?
Peace is my religion. I am religious about returning to Peace, moving from Peace and being at Peace with all choices I make. Because of this it allows me to move from truth. Not my truth, the truth that can stand for itself. It never needs me to defend it because it will stand the test of time in every way. There are three guiding principles and one golden rule that continue to light the path ahead, that never disrupt any religion known to humankind.
The Truths are: 1. Everything comes from a thought. 2. All of life is determined by your connection. 3. Everyone was given the right to choose. And 4. Everything changes.
The Principles are: 1. It takes two to have an inauthentic relationship, it takes one to make it authentic. 2. Judge not, less you be judged. 3. Peace is the power to live by.?
The bonus is one Golden Rule: Do what’s right for the team. That team is humanity. Peace is a thing and it is up to us all to do our part.
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