Individual Time Management
Time has a Creator, yet, the Creator of time itself lives and has always existence in eternity, as the proof that God is; so, a picture has a taker, and a road a maker, everything ever created has a creator, yet, the Creator of the creator's lives within time, in and through those who create. Making them co-creators with and only with the One who begun all creations.
Nothing can ever create anything, because nothing is simply nothing, and if one believes that something was created by nothing, then nothing could never be nothing, in order to create something.
The human body was created by God, within time from He who resides not in time nor ever has time been within His limitations within creating anything. Nothing simply remains nothing, simply thought up out of something created within time, by God who time has no limitations over ever.
A building has a builder, and a farm land a farmer, the proof is that the building is, even when the builder is no longer, and the farm remains a farm only as long as it has a farmer to tend it.
We each once time has run out for us each, and surly it shall for us all, will only than acknowledge our limitations within time, from returning back to the One who created us from His very own eternity, where only He once was, until He created first time, and then mankind, within time.
God’s Glory and Mercy in Loving us each, is His reaching out to us each, allowing us to acknowledge Him, outside of what holds us each within limitations of time, in order that we each long after Him, who lives within and always shall be within eternity. Out of His eternity, so He created us each, out of Himself where He desires us each to be within His own imagine and likeness, in order that He may Love and allow Himself to co-create all things ever created, that His creation may acknowledge Him, from Him, through Him, and for Himself. To His very own Glory!
The one (s), who believe anything, let alone all things simply were created out of nothing, must know that nothing is nothing and therefore nothing could ever create anything, because it always remains nothing.
The human who believes that they have the ability and power to created themselves into something from nothing that they ever were, simply is believing out of nothing and by nothing because of nothing, nothing can ever become. Leaving them just the way God created them each to be, because of Who He is. DNA, while trying by man to be changed, can never truly be changed, only created, in time, as something different, yet, never changing anything which once was. Therefore, when time run out, that which was created as it was, remains and returns back into that which is simply always has been, in time itself.
“The Holy Spirit, location and located where the human brain cannot go, only where our hearts and hearts souls, Love after the Father can go. It is through God’s Word, that we are able to enter into the spiritual realm by-passing the human acknowledgement in time, because of God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within our hearts (spirit), where our heart longs so diligently the Love of God, that we can see into the kingdom of God. Where God Himself, has invited us each to come before His Throne boldly, and shamelessly, in and through our own acknowledging of ourselves forgiven through the blood of Jesus, God’s Word made flesh and sent into the world.”
“God is very precise and committed to teaching us how to see His Glory, within us in His kingdom where He has entered into our bodies, as His Own temples.”
“In time, yet, remaining out of time, because God, is and always has been, and always shall continue to exist only out of time, in eternity because God, is “EVERLASTING LIFE.”
“So many miss so much of God’s Greatness and Offerings, because they continue trying to locate God, in and through the reversed false questionings of man’s human brain, which can only place limitation upon God, because their believing has limits.”
“It is only with our hearts and our hearts souls, believing that we each can locate God, where He is, “For the Spirit of the Lord is within you.”
Yet, so many continue following the teachings of man, in that there are limits to everything, including God. God has never had, nor has, nor ever will have limits, He remains and shall always remain the only One God, limitless in everything, because He is within everything, and everything is and shall always remain under Him, within only His very own rulership and authority.”
“It is within our worshipping God, that so many times God reveals Himself, His Kingdom, and His giftings within our very own hearts and souls. Because our hearts are our own spirits, where True Love can only reside within.”
“Our Heart is our spirt and our heart has a soul,” It is our heart and our soul which shall after time limitations, shall only return back into He who created us each out of Himself. Our bodies and our minds, are the control and the created body only for and within time, and these, once time has run out for us each, such return back where they came forth out of, “Dust!”
“Never does our bodies brain, where only information can be processed through, causing a continued questioning of everything, including God.”
“God in our individual “On Purpose,” Loving God, and desiring to worship Him, allows us to step through the limitation of our human brains, while using our hearts brain, to lead us into the very presence of our Father.” “The separated wall/vail removed in and by the Blood of Jesus.” “Who is God.” “God’s Word made flesh!”
“So many individuals never allow themselves to enter in, and so many other’s continue blocking the true Way of entering in, where God is, because of their own non-desires of truly locating God, or because of their being taught that the question marks of God’s, Word, replaced by man, are of greater power then God’s Word in allowing them to truly see God and His glory where He resides.” “Where one can be sure, God’s “Periods….” Are 100% Finial.
“Even though God is not far from not one individual, an individual who never tries diligently “On Purpose,” by the only true means of finding God, by their very own willingness of trusting God, and surrendering all of themselves to God, in and through their very own efforts of desiring to Love God, above all else, and with all of their own heart, soul, mind and strength.”
“Thus, simply because individuals have decided themselves, not to read nor reach out to God, by doing as God provided for us all whom, He created.”
“The very reason of needing God’s Word!”
“Learning how to see is not the purpose of our worship, but it truly and surely is the by-product so wonderfully desired in God’s Holy Spirit anointing within our very own hearts.”
“There truly is Power, “ALL POWER,” In the name of Jesus, and in the blood of Jesus’ purpose for us each.”
“A gift never opened, becomes no gift at all. Yet, the gift was always offered and made available for us all.”
“It is that God’s very kingdom is and becomes established upon the praises of His people.” Ps. 22:3
“So, remember when unwilling to Praise and the amount and effort of our individual praise, becomes our own receiving and missing out on either greater, or receiving less from God.”
“How much of God do we each really desire?”
“God has provided His Own Holy Spirit to enter into our hearts, in order that we may learn from Him, and follow after His Spirit alone, within our very own hearts.” “Giving our hearts brain, the transforming power and abilities over our human head brains, right here within time itself.”
“Because the greatest of all things is “Love.” “Period….” “True Love resides within our hearts alone; our head love is but a by-product of the love of this world.”
“Meaning that “love is not love.” “As created love of man and man’s ways alone, with-holds true and everlasting Real Love of God, and His Way.”
“It is when we are willing to surrender all, even coming out of our own taught by others and accepted by ourselves, comfort zones, realms of human, to spiritual, that we can not only learn how to see, but to receive the promises of God, the giftings from God within ourselves, that we may live daily in His Forgiveness, resurrection, deliverances, and salvation. Learning how to work out our own salvation daily.”
Eph. 3:12 KJV: “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him.”
“Many have and do learn to enter into His kingdom boldly, into His courts with thanksgiving and joy in their hearts.”
“Yet so many continue to hold back the greatest gifting of God, in His Holy Spirit, within themselves, because of their own unwillingness to just with their hearts believe; continuing to try to enter in with their human minds, and not their hearts soul.”
“If one is not willing to spiritually enter into God’s kingdom within themselves, where freedom of Jesus’ offering came forth from, His cross, His freely given blood, for all mankind, that one has upon their own “Purpose,’ decided to withhold their own spirit out of the presence of God’s Spirit within themselves.”
“For whatever reason they give to themselves.”
“It is truly a life changing desire, of our hearts, to be taught by God’s Holy Spirit, rather than depending upon the questionable questions, man has tried to place where God, placed His “Periods….”
“Living spiritually as and under and believing with all of our hearts, teaching us to not only see the glory of God and knowing His presence within us, but learning how to receive from God, His Loving desire of giving us each only good and usable giftings of His Power and Glory, from within ourselves; outward towards all others, so powerful that where we are His presence within us, we desire to freely release in order that others may gain from what God has freely offered us each to live within, while sharing openly and freely everywhere we are and everywhere we find ourselves at.”
“Allowing our own freedom in Him, right here and right now, in Him where He is, in eternity where He remains out of all time zones themselves.”
“Learning how to allow God to be God, within us, for us, while desiring in His Love, that all others freely also receive and accept and learn how to know God as well within their very own lives. Here in earth as within the heavens. Bringing Heaven to earth out of ourselves.”
“Acknowledging, and “On Purpose, “seeking first and at all times, learning from God’s Holy Spirit, how to do as David stated he done; “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved!” “Period….” Ps. 16:8
“Learning how from placing the Holy Spirit constantly before us, practicing on our own reorganization, at all time of His Presence ever with us.”
“Our very ability to see with our heart and our hearts soul and not our bodies controlling brain.”
“For out of the heart of a man, comes forth who the man truly is, and whom he truly belongs to.”
“For it is with our hearts and our hearts soul, where true Love resides.”