The time was right…for change.
2020, a year we will definitely remember for a very long time. A year of changes in so many ways for so many people. Me being one, ready to make change for the better. Isn’t it amazing, you can work with people for nearly 13 years and do the very best you can do and be the best person you can be? They ask your advice on the real world and you do favours and treat them the best way you can. They award you with Inspiration awards and give you little trophies whilst you are there. Teaching at a University is a 'workplace' and one meets many people each and every day interacting in many many ways. They pat you on the back tell you you are inspiring? Life is all about personalities, some are in tune, many are not and that is what we are taught when growing up. Taught to be courteous, taught to have good manners and to treat others as you would be treated yourself (remember that one).
But in life one is astounded by bad manners (manners that seem to be going out of style). I may be a dinosaur for holding doors open for others, buying them coffee when I buy my own, (and a biscuit or more). This is how I was brought up and saying good morning, good night or can I help in any way? What a horrible world it may soon be if we not only forget these, or specifically choose to ignore them. What a sad world our children could live in? These days when we can’t shake a hand because of this Pandemic, we can do this simply and virtually, although not quite the same. It takes nothing to ask how someone is, can I help or simply ‘Keep safe’ we all appreciate a nice message.
I would like to thank the huge number of past students for their messages, and messages from people having worked with before working at Leeds Arts University over the last 13 years. Thank you again to all of you, it was more than a pleasure, an education and a privilege of allowing me into your journey in life. Always here if I can help. slightly disappointed that only one member of staff from 3 courses at the university I have worked on have taken the moment to send a message, but having seen this in the past when others have left I presume that is an inherent culture. Simply receiving an email reminding me to return any outstanding library books?
This may seem like 'sour grapes'…but no real reason, I enjoyed the work, maybe not always agreeing with everything (who does?) Events within the University, Hanbury Hall in London and trips with students to meet professionals in the UK and abroad. There is great responsibility in preparing graduates to seamlessly (as possible) progress in their careers in the Creative Industries, and how to be a ‘professional’ and the ‘real world of business' and commercial practice. This is the most important aspect of having time to develop one's talent but letting the Industries know you exist as early as possible. Be confident, (you are the future) if you disagree…speak, your voice is so valid. You are the talent we build our future on. You have worth, never forget…Don’t ask.Don’t get.
2021 is in sight and here's to a successful and safe year for all.