Is It Time to Rethink Your Work Attire? (#HBRManagementTipChallenge)
Photo by Sam Lion:

Is It Time to Rethink Your Work Attire? (#HBRManagementTipChallenge)

No, Hawaiian shirts are never appropriate work attire. Well, not unless you’re Tom Cruise and bartending. Then a Hawaiian shirt is cool - maybe even a prerequisite!

HBR Management Tip:

“After two years of working from home during the pandemic, our tolerance for discomfort in the way we dress has changed, and the business dress code is evolving. If you’re returning to the office and aren’t sure what to wear, start by observing others in your workplace. How are your colleagues, bosses, and clients dressing these days? If the vibe is trending casual, as in many organizations, feel free to experiment. You don’t have to follow exactly what others are doing, but seeing them take those first steps may embolden you to make changes yourself. Making yourself more comfortable—for example, by losing the tie or swapping your heels for sneakers—can lead to confidence, which in turn leads to authentic self-expression. If your colleagues haven’t noticeably changed their attire but you feel strongly that you should, don’t be afraid to take the lead: Try making a change and evaluate the response to it. You may be surprised by the positive feedback to your nonconformity. But take note of boundaries, too. There may be contexts where conforming to more traditional, formal attire remains the most appropriate option.”

This tip is adapted from “The New Rules of Work Clothes,” by Allison Shapira

Coming from lockdown where work culture had been suddenly disrupted and really - did it matter how we dressed when we were just trying to figure out how to work at the kitchen table with kids and pets in the background? There was plenty of understanding and grace that we gave each other as we navigated the unprecedented time together. But now, with Return to the Office pushes or organizations making remote work a more formal option, how should we be dressing now?

In many places, “business casual” was already a popular standard (Dress Codes in the Workplace, 2019) that worked to strike a balance between casual and formal wear for everyday work fashion. Whether we like it or not, there is an inherent bias that we have when we see certain types of outfits - t-shirts and shorts were casual, and neckties and blouses were formal. We generally expect people in authority to dress more formally.

I’d say the idea of “smart casual” is the current trend. There’s a quick read on the basics over at - but with sneaker dress shoes, I think smart casual is here to stay. It’s a great way to look sharp without being stuffy. And given the technology forward approach of remote meetings, I think it fits the culture people expect of those using technology.

At the end of the day, fashion is about identity. With work, you want your fashion to reflect the dress code as part of your work identity and team culture. But, add your own flair, from color choices to accessories. I may even have to find a little lapel pin of a Hawaiian shirt somewhere.

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I find the Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review to be enlightening and useful. This article is part of my HBR Management Tip Challenge, where I respond daily to these tips. If you want to receive these tips in your inbox, head over to I’d love to hear your thoughts - comment below or use the hashtag below on your own article!



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