Time to Rethink Africa- Happy Africa Day
Danny den Hartog
Online Business Coach for Awesome Coaches | Founder Coach Africa | Certified Neuroencoding Specialist | Helping You to Default to Your Best Behaviour and Build an Online Business that You Love??
Today, on the 25th of May, the world celebrates Africa!
The #1 question I have been asked in my Coach Africa journey by non-Africans, is Danny, why Africa?
The answer I typically give is Why not?
There are still so many deeply rooted stereotypes around what the Continent is and what’s possible there.
Brand Africa is no doubt the most mismanaged brand in the world, as it has primarily been managed by outsiders with ulterior motives.
I can tell you many interesting things about Africa.
You may know that world civilization began in Africa.
You may know that Africa is home to 1.4 billion people, 16.7% of the world’s population, who speak over 1,500 different languages.
One in every four of the world’s language are spoken only in Africa.
Decades of NGO propaganda will have you made believe that Africa needs help.
Well, let me shatter that belief.
Africa is very well-equipped to help herself.
It is not the macroeconomics that has impressed me MOST.
Africans are the most resilient and entrepreneurial people I have met in my lifetime.
And very importantly, a lot of FUN to engage with.
I love, love working with my colleagues in Uganda, Ghana and with our African Clients from all across the world.
There’s so much “WE” can learn from Africa.
Take for instance, the Ubuntu spirit “I am because we are, with values such as Solidarity, humanity, trust and support for each other.
Last time I was over in Uganda, I stayed over at my business partner’s home and I felt part of their family.
They have made me FEEL so WELCOME.
We remember HOW people make us feel.
Since day 1, I have been focused on reframing the “Why Africa” question to What can we learn from Africa”.
When we open our hearts & minds and connect with the Continent’s beautifully diverse people, you will be surprised what you will learn from Africa.
The #1 thing that held me back in my business was that Imposter inside myself asking myself “Who am I to run a business in Africa”, as a white male European founder.
At the start, I was even nervous to show my face and tell people what I was doing and WHY I was doing it.
Today, I am grateful for the hundreds of conversations I have had with Africans, who have all made me FEEL ENOUGH.
They not only made me FEEL ACCEPTED and have told me it's okay to do the work.
Your excitement about our work with Coach Africa has been THE thing that has kept me going personally.
Spontaneous messages, such as: "I LOVE (totally deserves the caps) what you're doing with Coach Africa".
A few decades ago, I had a dream of becoming an Ambassador.
I never imagined that I would become an Ambassador or a Catalyst for African Excellence.
As the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu said: “Live to your highest potential and see the potential in others”.
It’s time we rethink Africa and acknowledge the potential of the Continent.
I SEE, HEAR, FEEL and KNOW that this is Africa's century and I'm excited to be part of that.
Further resources:
-Getrude Matshe- First Ubuntu Ted Talk that brought me to tears several years ago and Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Ubuntu
Oh, and for those that want to know, Africa Day (formerly African Freedom Day and African Liberation Day) is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity on 25 May 1963.
Happy #AfricaDay2022
#AfricaDay #africarising #africawewant