Time to Restore Ourselves as Coaches
Mohamed Sharaf Eldin, ACTC, MCC
Executive & Team Development Consultant | MCC, ACTC | Team Coaching Supervisor
If you worked out your coaching education, and started your mission in created an impact with the clients, to be the best coaches, and to provide best services to your clients, so that you can increase their reach, enhance your clients' full potential, as well continue learning and growing as a coach and build a better world.
While you are working, you meet with clients, these clients, some of them come out satisfied, some come out and do not continue their sessions, or do not commit to their packages, as well some of them just leave you. And you may never know their feedback about your service. And the worst nightmare.. is when someone really talks you behind your back, and walk out dissatisfied to take away with them some of your potential client base. Leaving a struggle to handle your branding and reputation.
Consequences may yield to self doubt, self criticism, am I good enough as a coach? am I giving the clients what they need?
The cherry on the top with the downward spiral comes in - uninvited - with a client that triggers you, and gets the worst out of you. Calling out all your judgements, leaving you feel that you do not want to receive clients again. And a new mantra starts calling you out "This job is not for me, I am not fit for it".
Looking around you, you see other coaches, with less hours in education, less experience, and even you may have seen and experienced their services, and see they are doing well, filling their schedules, still performing their marketing activities, delivering relatable content, still continuing on the mission to serve, and find yourself, unfit for their competition, and take yourself out of the game, and sometimes, leaving behind you a sense of longing, that I should have been there, if only I would have...
Sometimes the challenge comes in the form of fatigue, and mundane work.
It may as well erode you, when you are caving through the darkness of self development, no new training programs are satisfying your learning and personal urge to fill your inner cup. You really do not know what could be your next step to move to.
Our Coaching journeys are alike
In our journey to leave an impact and a legacy as coaches, we have immense struggles, mostly internal, that needs restoration, and I had my share in them.
In over 2600 hours of professional practice under ICF Code of Ethics, and after graduation from ICF accredited program, as well over 26 years of working with individuals, and 12 years of professional coaching practice, I may have had all these scenarios, and learned some of them the hard way.
The big difference happened when I started my coaching supervision
Back in 2016 I started my first reflective practice, as a coach with my mentor/supervisor, and she opened a door for me for new horizons of personal development, and supported me to restore myself to be the best version of a coach I can be.
I understood that the limitations, triggers, conflicts, client experiences, including their disappointments and mine, are actually self generated from who I am as a coach, and how I coach, which presents a major share in the client experience is emerging from my beliefs, assumptions, views and perceptions to the client, to myself and the coaching process, and as well there are many parallel processes that I have happening within the coaching session. What opened my eyes was actually the supervision process we had.
How did I get there?
As a PCC Mentor, which I started back in 2017 and throughout mentoring more than 200 coaches,and performing more than 1200hrs of coach mentoring and supervision, lots of them are now active coaches who hold PCC credentials, I started mimicking my supervisor in many situations I had with my mentees, which yielded to several successful results supporting them to reflect back on their experience and see where to develop.
I started this year to seek formal education in Supervision, and I am working myself in reading further literature and learn with groups, and currently I am in an EMCC accredited program of Coaching Supervision with Solution Focused Academy.
During this journey I am learning that there is a restorative part most of the coaches need, and the lesser of practitioners attend to.
Why did I name it Restore-Me?
I use the word Restorative behind Bridgid Proctor Model of Supervision 1986: The model describes three aspects of the tasks and responsibilities of supervisor and supervisee; Normative, Formative and Restorative (management, learning and support), and the focus of this program is about restoration, which also parallels with the work of Hawkins and Smith (2006) about the Resourcing aspect of supervision, as well the supportive role of the supervision as per the model of Kadushin 1976.
I would like to start to support you, to explore together:
STEP#1- Who you are as a coach? Explore your current narrative, where we will explore our current beliefs, assumptions, values, perceptions, and emotions that we commonly experience before, during, and after coaching our clients. How we truly show up to our clients.
STEP #2- Your current reality, how you manage yourself now, and how you currently reflect on who you are, and what does this mean on how you coach, and how you manage yourself to continue serving your clients and growing between the sessions.
STEP #3- We will work together on Creating a Crucible for Change - where we will work on creating a new narrative of who we want to be, and what kind of coaching experience you want your clients to pass through with you, what kind of development you need based on that?
STEP #4- Creating your own process of Restoration, by setting your supervision / self-supervision in practice, and living your new way of being, enjoying your incremental development.
What this Partnership is all about?
Our Role in this partnership is that we provide a habitat for learning, self-reflection, restoration, and development for you as a coach, and it is your role to allow this learning and development to happen.
This needs from you as a coach to:
What you will gain from this process:
What will this process help you avoid:
On top of that:
This relationship can be considered supervision hours that you can actually use to apply to different certification requirements.
The contracting can go:
Either one-on-one Package
Or you can form a group, and we can work together in a group. (Suggested to start with 6 session of 2hrs each distributed on bi-weekly basis)
Book an appointment
You can book a 15min call to adjust your agreement and send you an offer accordingly
Or you can simply drop a message with your details to
WhatsApp: +201003006301
or email: [email protected]