Time for a Reset? It was for Me!!

Time for a Reset? It was for Me!!

Is it Time for a Reset?

  • Do you feel sluggish?
  • Do you experience brain fog or feel like your memory is slipping?
  • Do you need a nap around 3pm?
  • Are your sugar cravings out of control?
  • Is your middle expanding?
  • Do you wish you had the will power to get off sugar and eat well?

If you said yes to one of these questions, it is time for a reset!

I cannot tell you the amount of clients I have worked with over the years that swore they had absolutely zero will-power and felt powerless over their sugar cravings or emotional eating.

I get it! I was once there too! I lived on sugar, caffeine and convenience foods in my 20’s. My snacks were basically Skittles and Twizzlers. Breakfast was a donut and coffee, lunch fast food and dinner was Lean Cuisines.

Hopefully you are in a much better spot than I was, but if not…no worries! I am proof that you can eat zero nutritious foods, live on sugar and still end up a thriving, veggie loving, healthy eater and overcome your sugar addiction.

Want to know how I did it? 

1. I decided to be curious. I got curious about how little sugar I would actually need to be satisfied. If there was a piece of chocolate cake (my favorite!), could I eat just 5 bites and be satisfied? Could I be satisfied with 3 bites, or even 2??

When I got present to what I was eating and why, making better choices got easier.

2. I ate more healthy fats. By adding in healthy fats, I was doing 2 things. I was stabilizing my blood sugar and crowding out bad foods by adding in more good ones.

Good fats are things like nuts & seeds, avocados, olives, unsweetened coconut, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.

3. I drank more water. Dehydration is often misinterpreted as hunger. And is the number 1 reason for afternoon fatigue. So, the next time you go to reach for something sweet at that 3pm energy drop, grab a big glass of water instead. You may be shocked how much better you feel!

4. I cut out all sugar, grains and most fruit until the cravings were gone. This was probably the toughest challenge of all these. I did this the hard way. I thought I would wean myself off and just cut back slowly. Man, that was tough! I had such intense cravings and had no idea how to say no, especially when I was emotional or stressed.

I eventually figured out that I had to cut them out altogether. It took about a week or 10 days to reset my palate and kill the sugar cravings.

I know I am not alone in my challenges with sugar and the desire to reclaim my power over it. It is the reason why I create programs for people just like me and you to kick the sugar habit and reclaim our health!

Sugar is said to be more addictive than cocaine. I would agree and believe, to a great extent, it’s more difficult to kick the sugar addiction. With cocaine, you can go to treatment (inpatient even), there are support groups, it’s illegal and you must do it in secret.

Sugar?? Totally different story, isn’t it?!!

It is 100% legal, socially acceptable, in everything and you can’t not eat which makes it really hard to get away from, there’s very little support for getting off of it, and you can feel guilty “depriving” your family while you, (and often times, you alone) are getting healthy and off this crazy substance. None of this is helpful for ending the sugar addiction.

One of the most important pieces of kicking the sugar habit is to have someone on the journey with you.  We all need moral support when we are making big changes. Someone to complain to, someone to talk you off the ledge when there’s temptation in front of you, someone that knows what you are going through and can empathize.

If you are ready to reset, I would encourage you to join us for the 7-Day Sugar Reset. It is 7 days of total support, complete with a team, meal plans, shopping list, a full-length guide walking you through step-by-step, handouts galore and the power to help you kick sugar for good!!

Here is the link to check out the details of the 7-Day Sugar Reset.

Starting this with us in November is the perfect time to reset! Halloween will have come and gone, so you can reset your palate and sugar levels before Thanksgiving. Learn to make more mindful choices and avoid the over-indulgence which leaves you feeling sluggish, stuffed and miserable.

The participants of the 7-Day Sugar Reset will also be a part of special group that will receive guidance throughout the holiday season.

I remember what it’s like to feel powerless with sugar, to have foods literally calling my name, driving around thinking about where I am going to get my next fix, and then comes the guilt from eating it and the fluff around the belly with the increase on the scale as evidence of what I just did.

I want that to end for you!! You deserve to enjoy the holidays. You deserve to feel amazing every day. You deserve to love the skin you’re in. And most of all, you deserve to have food be an enjoyable, delicious part of your life and not your enemy.

Join me and let’s Reset!!


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