It is time to rehumanize interviewing ...
Debby Clement ??
VP of Global Talent Acquisition | Building the iconic workforce of the future | closely coupling Technology with Mission Human | Co-creating a new benchmark for the workplace of the future.
I'm seriously going against the gold rush in HR Tech and AI here ... and I make no apology for doing so.
Have you ever ended an interview feeling like you didn’t ‘get’ the human being sitting the other side of the table?
Do you find interviewing leaves you feeling unsatisfied? or worse, feeling you or your candidate have simply wasted time? Are you guilty of going through the motions against a job description or a CV?
Spoiler Alert - video interviewing isn't going to solve your problem either!
Perhaps you are using HR's ‘tick the box’ barrage of questions, or maybe you prefer the ‘good cop-bad cop’ 80’s style grilling?
I bet you’ve also been on the receiving end of dehumanized rushed interview too?
It’s no wonder interviewing today has become a test of will for both the hirer and the hiree.
I’ve spent 15+ years conducting literally thousands of interviews on both sides of the table. I’ve seen (and heard from interviewees) all the styles, techniques, frustrations and howlers too! And I’m constantly analysing our data – and what it proves is:
As an SME the more human your interview process – the more you can differentiate and get incredible results
Our data also proves that it’s time to get back to a more human way of interviewing – especially with the onslaught of shiny AI HR tech tools being sold at Enterprises - only serving to further alienate prospects.
At Peopley we’re all about helping SMEs uncover real people at interview and match what’s “inside the heart” on both sides of the table – for a better culture and ultimately stronger business growth.
Try this approach using the Free Peopley Interview Jotter?
See how your usual interviewing mode gets better results all-round. Interview as normal then check the information you picked up and see how your usual interviewing mode compares.
You’ll be surprised at the information gaps you leave and how much better both you and your interviewee will feel at the end of a Peopley Interview.
Happy interviewing!
Debby Clement, Co-founder of Peopley, is best known for building the recruiting tools for the world’s largest executive search franchise (founded by UK dragon James Caan) and has trained more than 1,000 recruiters world-wide.
Peopley makes hiring easier for Founder-led technology SMEs who can’t afford to hire the wrong people.