Time of Reckoning - Important Choices To Make

Time of Reckoning - Important Choices To Make

We are in a 'Time of Reckoning' and have 'Important Choices To Make'!

It is without doubt that the darkness is seeping into every nook and cranny that it can.

Each and every soul must face a time of reckoning - the question being - what path do I choose.

In human language 'Heaven or hell' - the Light or the dark.

Looking around in the daily lives of the masses it is clear that much has become darker.

What is meant by this?

No matter if we look at television, films and all manner of media, it is clear that it is set at a vibration that creates horror, drama, discord and heaviness.

Observing behaviours we note people coiled like springs ready to release pent up anxiety, confusion, anger and rage - greed and being self-obsessed the new norm.

True care for others, the wider community and our natural world is at an all time low, as a tendency towards that self, greed and dog-eat-dog mentality prevails.

Values have dropped and with them the treatment of others, bad language and poor service or quality is to be expected as a norm.

Elders are disrespected, children left to work things out and fend for themselves because their parents 'in so many cases' haven't the will, desire or energy to give these young souls the love and guidance that they need.

The light works hard to maintain balance - like a loving mother and father it holds steady in those with a welcome and loving embrace who offer safety, loyalty and divine connection that is not of any particular belief, but rather connected to the true 'all that is' our true nature and source energy that is - love.

Just last week I went to see a play at the theatre - a friend and I saw The Wizard of Oz.

The classic had been tampered with to such an extent that it was unrecognizable, and for those who 'were' and 'are' aware, the soldiers marching in one scene in a way that resembled soldiers marching under communist rule, along with the tone of the music and the gargoyles sitting with the wicked witch of the west, shivers were sent down our spine. Light it was not!

The production was not uplifting at all - music was piped through speakers 'loudly' and smoke filled the theatre (more often than not) during the evening, filling the air with a chocking sulphur smelling substance that went straight to our throat. It was bleak.

A couple of days later, whilst driving along, stopping at a roundabout, looking in my mirror, I saw a car behind me with a person in it (the driver) and a masked figure in the passenger seat - this figure was menacing.

Who drives with this as a passenger I enquired to my soul self?

Here is the wisdom that came in answer to this question.

In truth, everyone does - doing so on-purpose 'out of choice' or by the sheer fact that the dark stalks every soul waiting for a point of entry.

The dark - it is ever present - as is the Light.

I recall my dear late mother sitting upright in her bed but days before she passed - unable to speak because of a brain tumour and its affect upon her ability to communicate, she stared at the end of the bed in horror.

Wholly instinctively, I immediately fell to my knees beside her bed and began to recite the Lords Prayer, doing so over and over and over again.

After a time the energy left the room - the dark was not having my mother, she was definitely of the light - and in a time when she was weakened by her condition, I stepped in to protect her as she has protected me in times when I was vulnerable.

Mankind is at a tipping point - do we choose heaven or hell.

Just last night a beautiful soul shared a message with me speaking about her artwork and writing in the connection with the sale of Oracle Cards.

She said that what is currently selling with her publishing company is all things witchcraft, there is even a box of demon cards, plus a lot of AI type art.

Her work is wholly illuminating, full of colour, vibrancy and love.

She spoke of simulated AI realities & schools, robots and all manner of things - highlighting that 'for those who can see in the light' the indoctrination is clear.

Put simply - everyone is choosing their path right now!

Ever has it been so - however, the repercussions of those choices have never been more serious.

In terms of the play, the things mentioned, along with many other things not covered here, the dark is playing out in plain sight - and yet, it remains hidden to most.

Could this be out of choice?

Dark forces lurk - they hover around the lonely, insecure, fear-full and those who are greedy and lazy and easily led into temptation.

Energy is reduced through food, imagery, music, drugs, alcohol, etc, etc - then there are false gurus, cults and brainwashing that is being piped into people's homes and through screens of computers and telephones, a-top all manner of other ways.

Our role is to be in this world shining our light, but not of it, because we have the choice of another world.

We are to illuminate the path to the doorway that leads to the world we know as heaven upon earth-which is what Bringers of Light do.

The question is what world do we humans want to live in because the world does not create itself; we co-create that world with every word spoken and action taken. It is as simple as that.

It is so very important that those of the light keep shining their light.

Everyone who is feeling beaten down, tired and confused - to you, I offer the following quote:

"Run my dear,

from anything

that may not strengthen

your precious budding wings.”

~ Hāfez

I am an intuitive and have been able to see and hear and feel things that many others do not for as long as I can remember - a part of my being that I have honed through many initiations.

It is a gift that helps me assist others.

Years ago I did a coaching session with someone to whom I had to convey that I could see two figures by her side.

One was the Devil, the other was an Angel.

The two figures were conversing between each other - the angel said: 'She is mine'. The devil replied; 'No, she is mine'.

They went to sit on a bench looking on at her in her quandary going back and forth between each other with their retorts; 'She is Mine'. 'No, She is Mine'.

I was to say to her that they were waiting for her to make a choice.

As with each and every one of us - we all have that choice to make in every aspect of our lives.

That choice does not only affect us - it has an effect upon those around us, the wider collective and the natural world.

We stand on a precipice of war, financial collapse 'for the hard working', restricted lives through dominance thrust upon the many by the few, food shortage, vile air, dirty (and in some cases) poisoned water and climate change that will unravel as we have never known it before.

Elections will also see things take shape - dependent on how we vote.

The ways of the world doesn't just happen - they are made to happen - and we are contributors to those changes being of the light or of the dark.

How we vote, where we shop, what we buy, the way we treat others and so it goes on.

The dark has been a slow creeping and swirling up of that ill wind that blows...a slow seeping and gripping hold of the vile and vulgar now evident in our lives.

The question is - what do we choose for our lives both individually and collectively.

Will we rise into a lighter brighter existence or sink ever deeper into the abyss?

This isn't going away, it is at our door, and in our lives in every way imaginable vying for us to give it our all.

I am not religious, I do though believe in the power of the Collective Source of All That Is (some call this God) and the shared words of many Prophets sent to guide us.

This said, I believe in the Lords Prayer, which I share here, especially so for the potency of its message and its power to keep us 'in' and 'of' the essence of Light.

As mentioned earlier in this message, I have personally witnessed that power of this light to ward off evil.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen

Writing this post these lines came to me, another gift, lines that flow through me from a source greater than me:

'Angels of light from upon high surround us

Angels of light ‘earthbound’ spread your wings

Angels of light omit your light outward with the intention of it protecting and uplifting all that are to be protected and uplifted no matter where they are in this world.

Shine the light into every nook and cranny and let it penetrate the very core of the dark and let it shine there greater still until all is transmuted back to light.'

We can choose or not to rise up out of the dark, and like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, find our way Home by way of learning to see it clearly in the light through coming to appreciate, value, love and truly protect it with all our love and light filled might.

It is in the strength of our light upon which 'We' are to set our footings and build upon that as our foundation.

Article – ? Susanne Austin, 19th January 2024 (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).

Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.


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