Time to re-evaluate your circle?
Litsa Smith
Leadership Coach and Mentor boosting business owners and senior leaders to find clarity, take action and make (the right for them and the business) progress faster, stress free. ??20+ years leading supply chain teams
Is it time to re-evaluate your circle? Nope - not talking about your friends :)
A concept that can PRACTICALLY help busy operational teams through the maze of challenges we see day in day out is Stephen Covey’s Circles of Influence and Concern.
It can be a super powerful idea to understand, and to take your teams through.
The graphic I've created illustrates it.
Working from the outside in, you can categorise the things that impact you and your team into those which you can:
? Accept?– these concerns are outside of your control and influence. Try to let these go and focus on what you can influence and control.
? Influence?– be realistic about the concerns you can influence (and work on influencing those you can) .
? Control?– direct your time and energy towards the elements that you can?control.?This will minimise feelings of overwhelm and frustration.
As leaders, if we can focus our energy more inside the circle of influence and control, rather than being overwhelmed by the circle of concern, we can be lots more effective (and probably less stressed too).
This could be things like improving our relationships with our suppliers or improving stock management or other processes - using that influence with other functions to really be able to take action that makes a difference. .
It's really all about a proactive approach which can build your department's credibility, and that moves your team forward- and as you do this more and more you can find a ripple effect lapping on the edges of other departments too (maybe that's with factories or commercial teams).
This is one of the key steps I take teams through in The LeadTime Programme: From Fire Fighting to firing forward.
It's my practical, action oriented leadership programme for managers in busy operational teams who want to work on the big stuff, while nurturing a thriving, confident successful team, so they can get the recognition they and their team deserve; without them all feeling stressed at work, and working all the hours, or being constantly stuck down in the weeds, even if they think the constantly shifting priorities and demands make it impossible. IT helps them with their transition to displaying leadership behaviours, and results.
Sound like you or your team? Drop me an email at [email protected] and I can send you more info.
Love this Litsa