It is Time for the Professionals to Step Forward

It is Time for the Professionals to Step Forward

It’s time for the professionals to step forward.


I began my first business 21 years ago, and throughout my career, I have offered a variety of services—everything from bookkeeping to high-level coaching. Over that amount of time, I have created thousands of videos, sent thousands of emails, and published over 60 books.


Even today, I publish several hundred pieces of content surrounding Capitalize Marketing & Consulting a month.


But in a recent coaching call, I encouraged one of my clients to step forward as the professional in their space and not just a provider of services.


This advice found me asking myself, “Am I a provider of services or a business professional?” I’m sure the answer is a mixture of both, but the first path to answering that question is defining what a professional actually is.


My first thoughts would be…


Carries themself in a respectful manner

Is an expert in their field

Keeps their word

Continually strives to improve

Proven track record


I’m sure the list could go on and on, but I just think that when it comes to marketing and online presence, “carries themselves in a respectful manner” heads the list. I believe a consistent presence with the above qualities will help almost anybody stand out from the crowd and distinguish themselves from the crowd.

How about you? I’m sure this list could include many other qualities. Which ones do you think distinguish someone as a professional and not just a provider of services?


