Sumeet Rikhy
People Leader in Tech & Education | Strategic HR Professional | Chartered MCIPD (Level 7) | Chair, CIPD South London
Being in HR Consulting, goal setting, as a habit, has got internally imbibed in the whole team. We understand the value of setting goals, the methods to convert them into action and finally the fabulous benefits that can be achieved through the process. We consistently dive into the activity of setting, following-up and celebrating goals.
If any of you’ll have been exposed to the 'Wheel of Life', we are all expected to set goals in 8 areas of our lives. They are
- Business/Career/Professional
- Financial
- Health
- Family and Friends
- Romance
- Personal Development
- Fun and Recreation
- Contribution to Society
I am sure most of you might not have even thought through so many dimensions of your own lives. Not everyone needs to or might want to work on all areas, but this is a process to achieve a holistic perspective on achievement. However, I am not here to guide you on the process to achieve this. If you need further information please google ‘Wheel of Life’ and you will get assessments and procedures with respect to its application. The fact that I will be dwelling into is the process of goal setting.
The first part of goal setting is the acceptance of a gap. This gap is either your own or an influencer’s perspective of a missing link in your life. (I am going to steal some lines from a friend's post that I saw on Linkedin. So please thank Joel Lalgee for his input here too) Once the gap is identified, each of us has to understand how to accept it. Let me show you some possible areas.
My Relationships aren’t perfect
My Parenting isn't perfect
My Career isn't perfect
My Grammar isn't perfect
My Spelling isn't perfect
My Training isn’t perfect
My Work isn't Perfect
My Follow Up isn't perfect
My Life isn't Perfect
I’m not a Perfect Human!
Once we identify and accept any of the above areas as gaps in our lives, then all we need to do is to apply Time and Pressure.
If you have seen the 1994 all-time classic movie ‘Shawshank Redemption’, there is a dialogue in the movie that says
“Geology is the study of pressure and time. Thats all it takes really... pressure... and time... That, and big goddamn poster.”
The poster that he mentions in the above line is the area of possible gaps. And then there is effort that needs to be patiently and consistently applied to minimize the gaps. There is nothing that cannot be achieved through
- Time - the consistent effort over time to reach the potential end result, and
- Pressure - the consistent self-talk required to keep oneself aligned and motivated
So, taking the same gaps forward, we need to believe that
I'm a human that's trying to:
Love my people who matter to me more
Love my daughter/son more
Care about others more
Be a more loyal friend
Be a more excellent entrepreneur/employee
Be better at my work
Be a better Human everyday
None of us are perfect,
But we can try to be better versions of ourselves!
Remember, even diamonds are created through constant pressure over time. We can all achieve diamond level end-results. All we need is Time and Pressure.
Do share your own perspective. We, at ALLAVANCE, would love to hear, learn, maybe even add value to your thoughts. Looking forward.