Time and Pressure

Time and Pressure

I have learned heat and pressure over time can create a diamond, the same does not apply to humans who are trying to manage their time. Usually, one or all areas fail. Whether it is running out of time, or the pressures of deadlines cause a collapse of planning, they do not mix well together over the long haul.

Consider the excerpt from my book, The Time-Optimized Life.

I had a running joke with my mom up to my college years. In school, I was a pretty good student. I got As and Bs, showed up to class, did my homework, and turned in my assignments on time. I even graduated in the top ten of my class in high school. My parents never really bugged me about my schoolwork because I never really gave them an issue to be worried.

However, I had a bad habit of “waiting until the last minute” to complete my coursework. A teacher would give out an assignment that was due in two weeks. I would delay or ignore the effort that needed to be done. The night before the due date, my mother would see me working away as she headed to bed. Then would come the questions.

She would usually lead off with, “What are you working on?”

“Ah, I have a paper due in American History,” I would respond.

Then came, “When is it due?”

Short answer, “In the morning.”

Now fully into the routine, she would sigh. “And you are waiting until the night before to get it done?” A statement asked as a question.

Then with a smirk and well-rehearsed response, I would pause for dramatic effect and utter, “You know, Mom, I do my best work under pressure.”

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David Buck is the author of the book The Time-Optimized Life, owner of Kairos (Time) Management Solutions, LLC. Learn how to apply the concepts of proactively planning and using your time. Take the Time Management Analysis (TMA), the Retirement Time Analysis (RTA), or all the other free resources offered to help bring more quality time into your life.

Get more resources to improve your use of time.

Kairos (Time) Management Solutions

Time Management Analysis (TMA)

The Time-Optimized Life (Download Chapter 1 for FREE)

Work-Life Balance Time Management (WLB)

Procrastination Time Management Analysis (PTA)

Distraction Time Management Analysis (DTA)

Retirement Time Management Analysis (RTA)

Retirement Worry Analysis (RWA) - A Worry-Free Retirement

Calendar Time Management Analysis (CTA)

Salesperson Assessment Profile (SPAP)

Leadership Assessment Tool (LAT)


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