Time for Preparation......

Time for Preparation......

Fellow adjusters, colleagues and friends,

We are in unprecedented times in our country. It is affecting every aspect of our lives whether it be business or personal.

There are some things that we need to keep in mind here and put into perspective. First and foremost is that the health and safety of our own families come first. If we are not healthy, we are unable to serve our communities, serve our IA Firms and their Client Carriers and Policyholders. Your health must come first. You must, whether you like it or not, abide by what your Country, State, County and City governments are asking of you. An entire world is depending on whether or not YOU do your part. Every area depending on where you live is going to be different unless the Federal Government must step in and make more demands to get everyone to comply. It will be easier on you and everyone around you to do it yourself and be part of the solution and not part of the ever-growing global and national problem.

So, with that said let’s talk hail events. There are approximately 5,000 reports of hail in the US per annum, as opposed to the average 1,000 cases of tornadoes. The disastrous consequences of it are much less likely to disappear without a trace. Over the course of 20 years, hailstorms caused material damage estimated at around $29.7 billion in insurance losses. Peak for the possibilities of these storms that produce hail are March, April and May, with a secondary peak in September and October. So, what I am saying here is that we are in the first week of April and still haven’t really seen any significant activity. We will……. that’s is pretty much guaranteed, but when? Well, with the current situation I am sorry to say that this gal is hopeful it doesn’t happen right now as we are fighting for the health and safety of our country and all its families. We don’t need this on top of it…. not today. I as much as anyone, and as an adjuster to the core of my heart, understand the want and need for things to pick up. Of course, always keeping in mind that nobody reading this would ever wish any traumatic peril on an Insured, but certainly not today. The flip side to this is that Mother Nature could care less whether COVID 19 is out there or not. She does what she wants to do. Which brings me to Hurricanes. Oh boy………what lies ahead for us this year? We have experienced a very warm winter. Most regions of the US did not have much of a winter and experienced unusually warm temperatures. We are ripe in many ways for one heck of a season and the NOAA predictions for 2020 are saying just that!

June 1 is coming up on us quickly…. hot on the heels of COVID 19. What if, just what if, COVID 19 is still here, we are all locked down and a CAT 3 hits or worse……a CAT 5. The conditions are favorable for these scenarios. And, in your career how many times have you seen a Hurricane form and it in March April or May……ahead of the “season”? I will tell you! March 6-9 , 1908 a Cat 2 storm in the Leeward Islands. A long time ago? Of course? Mother Nature doesn’t care. It happens! April Storms? I am so glad you asked! 3 years ago, this month the nation was in the middle of spring, but NOAA's National Hurricane Center was issuing advisories on Tropical Storm Arlene, the first named storm for that year. This was a rare occurrence and only the second tropical storm on record in the month of April, joining Ana which formed in 2003. So, I can go on, but I will stop with April because this is critical to where I am going with this.

Folks, whether we like it or don’t like it we are all in this together. We are all doing what needs to be done to end this COVID 19 nightmare we are in. We are all sheltering in, and if you aren’t then shame on you. Get with the program. We are also ALL going to be affected by a Hailstorm event or a Hurricane event in the very near future….it is in the cards and they don’t lie. My questions to you are as follows. Ask yourself:

* Am I and my family, friends and neighbors doing our part to end COVID 19?

* Am I being proactive in my preparation for my job when I am needed?

* Am I doing something to better myself in my craft, so I am of more value to my chosen Firm/Firms and/or Carrier?

* Am I remaining compassionate and respecting my surrounding and the people who are being directly affected by this pandemic and what Mother nature can bring to the table to further stir this pot?

* Do I have the proper tools needed to do my job? (Masks, gloves, adjuster tools, hand sanitizer, large water dispenser and soap to clean your hands before and after your inspections.

* Are my licenses current? All – PLEASE do NOT let your Firm be the one to find out your licenses are not current…this will not work out well for you. Just so you know!

* Have you used your downtime to better yourself by adding a designation, a new tool or expertise in an application?

* Have you SHARED your knowledge with the new adjusters? This is critical. You keeping knowledge to yourself isn’t going to get you more claims. If you treat the new adjusters poorly the only one that will look bad in the end is, you.

I will end with this……be kind to one another. Lift each other up. Ask what you can do to make a difference in someone else’s life. If you are a seasoned adjuster, you should be expected to share your knowledge to make the entire industry better, not be greedy and think keeping it for yourself is going to make you better, or wealthier. My Father always told me that “To whom much is given, much is expected”! Expect MUCH of yourself. Expect MUCH of our industry. You only get back from it what you give to it.

Be kind to each other, be safe, be smart, be healthy, and for God’s sake don’t hoard toilet paper. That is just DUMB! (But put a couple of rolls in your adjuster kit for the road…. the day you may need that is coming, sooner than you think.

Warmest wishes and Blessings to each of you,

Pamela Reed

VP Business Development, One Call Claims

Treasurer, National Association of Catastrophe Adjusters

P. David Herring

CEO/ Large Loss Consultant / Estimator /Appraiser /Umpire

4 年

Pamela - truly excellent writing and advise. Thanks

John R. McLaughlin, AIC

Accomplished Insurance Claims Professional

4 年

"Am I keeping the boaters from congregating on the barrier islands"

Jennifer Leo

Vice President, Client Services/ Founding Partner

4 年

Great advice and reminders. Thanks Pam. Looking forward to seeing you after this is over.

Jeff Cook

Director of Business Development

4 年

Pam! Praying for an end to COVID19.


