Time to Ponder
It was the interview day for my baby boy. We had taken him for a selection process at the Kindergarten. There,written neatly on a chalk board, were these words
“Every Child has a seed already sown in her or him. The Teacher only nurtures itâ€
So profound, yet simple and logical when you come to think of it. These Golden words are permanently etched in my heart.
Is it not true that Guru Dronacharya ?imparted the same teachings to both Arjuna & Duryodana? Was his attention biased towards Pandavas over Kavravas? Yet, each learnt differently. A simple reasoning of this will tell you how true the above statement is. ?We come across this in everyday life. We have grades and ranks. Some highflyers and others mediocre, both coming out of the same institution. Yet, the blame is on the Teacher / Institution. ?
?The Guru in the Gurukul system made the students humble first. The students had to get rid of their ego, do all the small and sundry work and completely surrender, before the Guru accepted them. This was necessary to remove baggage and prepare a clean slate for the learnings.
?Is this not relevant even in the current world we live in? Will this ever be obsolete? Is it not time that we re-think about what we are fostering in the minds of the young ones?
?On this Teachers' day, with humble pranams to all my Gurus in life who have shaped me for what I am today, I leave you pondering over this
????????????????????????????????????????????????? Krishna Praveen Rao