Time Please


Do we (humankind) Know Time ?, as is really ? We have ‘No Time’ to ponder on it , don’t we ? One may also find security in not to think on topic of this kind, as the discussions or pursuit to comprehend ‘Time’ may be a ‘waste of time’ ironically, perplexing, and endless, who knows , it may be true.

Since eons ( again a measure of time ) there has been so may adages, proverbs, sayings about time, adjectives, and metaphors, associated with time ,viz; Time and Tide waits for No Man, Time is precious, Good Time, Bad time , buy some time , busy , I have no time ,. I have all the time in the world…, What is the Hurry ? Fast , Slow, are different measures and qualities that we attribute to time .

Let us get to the point, is there something called Time ? Does Time Exist?

My answer is NO., which is Impudence enough, to be so very assertive and conclusive, ?let me unravel my perspective or hypothesis now to validate this.

What do we really mean when you ask or say , do you have a minute? or I have No time….Does or Can anyone possess time ? Can one buy time ?? Take time ? …. The answer is NOpe .

Time is a figment of mind or thought , it is only a marker of an event, paradoxically it is eternal and ephemeral, transient, and permanent, ?and a fiction, it is only an empirical notation, it is no more than a bookmark in a book, that you use to mark a page, so that you can return to it when you want to resume. ?

Let say that? your Child’s school starts at 9am, if the school has strict rules and the gates are closed exactly at the strike of 9 am, assuming you go late by 5 minutes, you are not ‘in time’ ,is nothing but a particular event that a system collectively agreed to with your consensus and you did not comply with it. ?So 9AM the start of the school is an event denoted by the marker, ‘Time.’ ?And most importantly , this concept of time is only a Human cognition or consciousness and not for any material ( say the car you drove? has no perception of time ), even the watch that you may wear analog or the most upgraded, updated, the ?latest, the most ostentatious smart watch either, it simply is energy driven.

So, anything under the sun and any human activity is marked by time, let us take yourself as an individual, if you wake up every day at a particular time ( the reason for which can be manifold , discipline , healthy lifestyle, attitude towards life, etc.) it means you have been able to execute the event by sheer power of ‘will’ , Why do I say “ Will “ , remember the old saying , “Where there is a Will ,there is a Way “ ; human beings cannot and don’t? possess time , in the sense no body owns or disowns time. Will is an asserted effort of the Consciousness and time is a realization of consciousness.

Humans have consciousness, (not that other life forms or for that matter non-living forms as well don’t ) but definitely more evolved, which is a? manifestation of energy ( what the ancient Hindu wisdom calls out as “Atma” and “Paramatma” an ‘Energy” and a thought is a blip in energy in the realm of consciousness, all human invention is the outcome of ‘thinking’, (something in parallel in the Quantum World, what we call as “Unified Filed”) thought process or ‘revelations’ ( as sometimes great minds, wonder how a particular invention, piece of music , poetry or painting happened, the feeling ‘one’s ’ ?self is a medium for the message and the ‘self’ is disparaged and something higher and beyond is at work)

So, every minute in this World, Universe, and every human activity, to me is an event. Let us say you are travelling from Point A (past, the very second you start your journey and go forward, even 1/10th or 1/100th of a sec, it becomes past) ) to Point B? future) you may have a measure of the distance/displacement ?covered ?in terms of Km/Hr. or any other notations, here time is only ‘notational’ ; Neti-Neti ( It is , It is not) however, space is real. Time is only a Marker, say the Point B which you reached in your journey, so now this space is occupied and you have reached your journey and stopped, and you are on to another activity , so let’s says sleep , while you are not conscious of time , that means ‘time ‘ ceases to exist in the dimension that you are aware of but that could be for only you , but time as such continues as per the cognition of individual. ???

Time is unlike the popular belief that it is cyclical , I think it is a linear progression and a one-way path forward ( this paradigm could be a panacea and a motivational notion to all procrastinators, to give them not a jaded notion that the time goes round and round as in a wall clock as they may tend to think and so there will be time after day and night and is repetitive and cyclical ,rather it is linear , one way path forward and any return in time is only a facet of memory or intellectual/mental activity). Man for his convenience has chosen to represent time ‘cyclical’ and has thus conveniently trapped and captured time in a ‘ Circular Wall Clock’ ?mechanical, however, with the quantum strides in technological advancement , we have clocks also assuming various shapes and with the advent of digital watches , the conventional circular model has been broken and the smart watches these days have voluminous features and time is represented not by the ticking second, minute and hour needle/hand , rather a flicker of light going On and Off , just born , just dead every moment , almost alluding the eastern philosophy that life is ‘ maya’ and everything is a pass , transient and ephemeral.

Why do I say time is linear progression , let us talk of a launch of the space vehicle, the think tank have a measure of what event will occur at what stage from Ignition count down , to getting on to the orbital spin ,every event is timed or is marked with the notation of time , which only man is cognitive and conscious and not the space vehicle in itself…

Let us consider a scenario of a baby born ( Midnight Child) in India on the 15th of August 1947, just as the clock struck 12.00 or 00.00 Hours, ?and to recall the famous speech of our Independent India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru : India has a tryst with destiny, she awakens to freedom, and independent India’s citizen’s rejoiced in their freedom ….the baby born at the same time, would have not even know of the magnitude of the situation and the fact the parents would have rejoiced more in the birth of the child, more than the birth of Nation , perhaps a double bonanza of joy , various mix of emotions cannot be discounted in scope.

If the same baby as a young lad of 25 years now finds a time machine and travels back ?in a time machine , the time machine will only take back to the experience of that individuals life , that is time of his ‘self’,? his birth but will not embrace or encompass the entire time of the world as a whole, including the mega event like the Independence of the Nation. Hence , more so , it is a capsule, an individual experience , a linear path backwards and does not encompass the time in whole of the world. ( All the events that occurred in the world at that point in time).




It is indeed baffling to know that such a profound gargantuan phenomenon such as ‘Time’ finds significance in the scientific world only in relation to ‘Speed’ and ‘ Distance” or “Space”,? T=D/S (I must concede though of my ignorance of all esoteric scientific discoveries and calculations that the world of scientist and science may be employing in all other facets of? science) though philosophically , especially in our Eastern philosophy it covers a ‘ Human Life , prior to birth and even after death ( as the belief is that life is ?cyclical and? the cycle continues until such time the ‘Atma’ ?Human Consciousness? unifies with ‘ Paramatma” the cosmic consciousness, to the best of my knowledge , this is a wisdom unique to the Indian Civilization and I cannot swallow my pride.

Now perhaps let us quantify Meditation , give it a scientific perspective, make it empirical , in ‘meditation’ no thoughts should prevail ,which means all chattering ceases ( which is Speed ) ?when there is no thought there is ‘No Space’ either ( which means no Distance) and hence ‘No Time’ either. So Here and Now is absolute , yet eternal.

In the eastern philosophy, fortune or ill fate in human life is and the influence of the orientation of planets in the galaxy and a manifestation of ‘time’ ( from birth to death). Men might come ,Men might go , Time goes on forever, if you think so ( Relativity Theory)

Time is ‘Not Real’ ?( hence the world is A MAYA) but a convenience of the human intellect and it is cognitive pursuits. The psychological time is not any more real than the chronological time ,as we know the famous scenario ‘ To a man who is next to her beloved on a? honeymoon, time seems to be a pleasure, enchanting experience and it flies by and is ephemeral and to the one who has lost his beloved , the night seems a long, dragging, and cruel.

Ah , returning to my glorious ancestral wisdom “ Meditation” is that state of mind in which , there is ‘No Mind’ i.e., No Thought, hence, No Space and No Time either ( A thought manifests , space, and time ) , Is this then the sure way to “ Moksha” I shall leave it with you all to ponder.

So then is Meditation an exercise or a ritual that one indulges at a given pint in time every day , is it a? scheduled activity , may be to start with, but the idea is to be always ‘Meditative’

As Osho Rajaneesh said , there is no point in being a Sanyas in the remoteness of the Himalayas , where there is no market , a ‘True Meditator’ is one who is ‘Razor Shop Aware’ ,’ Conscious is amid the pandemonium of the market with it is alluring and enticing offers.

As an Introspection, the question to be asked , is this just an intellectual exertion or true knowledge ( true knowledge – is lived and experienced, not memorized or borrowed from other sources) Have I got a taste of it ,the answer is ‘Yes’ , Am I there , certainly ‘Not’ but certainly on my way. To those who are yet to start the journey , grappling for answers and searching , Meditation is the way out for sure. Meditation is the ‘Now Time” , please do not say to yourself? you have ‘No Time’ ( at least as a scheduled ritual , try to begin with ) it is a way to “Know Time”….

This content is blatantly serendipitous and hope it exposes me as a foolish charlatan. I, however, have the egregious audacity to share this.

Various scenarios can be espoused and the discussion , could go On and on …but it is

Time-up and I/we could do it ‘Next Time’ whatever you think that is.




















Chandramohan Hemachandran

Head Quality Assurance

3 个月

Hello machi...I appreciate you taking time to express your thoughts on time...I enjoyed reading your hypothesis and want to admit read through to finish few paragraphs. Yes, Time is a concept/experience only to the living thing with sixth sense...I always enjoy seeing wild animals in their daily motion...they seem to be gracious and at peace unless confronted with danger...They are in a state of mind always which we tend to achieve by meditation... Lots more to share..but I shall stop at this... Great share ....



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