Is it time to plan your 2024 Spiritual Launch Emphasis? Good planning helps with alignment
Dave Travis
Coaching Leading Churches and Leaders to Multiply Ministry Momentum in Succession Situations
What is it?
Several clients use a 21-day or 28 - day Spiritual Emphasis to start the year. These can include:
Why do this?
For many individuals, be they Christ followers or not, this is a season to make new resolutions and commitments that focus on individual or family improvement. If fasting is included, it fits with post-holiday weight loss and exercise programs.
We all know many of these don’t last. They often don’t because habits are not built by just writing down a goal but by forming regular, consistent behaviors.
Churches conducting these emphases early in the year leverage the culture’s thinking about new starts to encourage believers and nonbelievers to renew their relationship with Christ during this time.
Repetition wins
In my observation, churches that leverage these emphases do them consistently every year. It is hard to see results in one or two years.
Why is that?
Liturgical season churches have known the power of this principle with the seasons of Lent and Advent in some similar ways.
Hey, wait – We already do this.?Great. How do you evaluate in your After Action Review 2023’s activities and results?
See our?Holiday after action issue from January 4?here for a good evaluation before planning for next year.
When to start?
Now we come to see differences. Some start with the first Sunday in January, whenever that falls. They believe that putting this as close to New Year’s day builds on the culture’s direction of new year’s resolutions.
Others in my orbit regularly “Take a Sunday off” between Christmas and New Years or significantly reduce the options for that weekend. (I am not in total alignment there, but that is up to each congregation)
Some wait until the 2nd?week of January to start their emphasis. The thinking is three-fold.
1.??????Attendance on that first Sunday is often low.
2.??????It fits better calendar-wise for a 21-day emphasis.
3.??????Students are back in school by then for sure.
The particular case of 2024
Just as we discussed in this issue of Church Leader Insider about Holiday Planning for 2024, planning for these emphases may also look different for January 2024.
For those that observe Lent, which begins on February 14, 2024, with Easter for most traditions at the end of March. That makes for a quick turnaround if you have special emphases during those seasons.
Plan Now
When you are ready to talk about your church’s future and your future as a Senior Pastor, I am happy to chat. Many of those conversations start several years before ever being engaged with a church for a formal process. I always want to share what I have learned for those that want to hear them. Just set up a time by emailing me: [email protected].