Time Out for 'We Time'? - Intentionally creating that space

Time Out for 'We Time' - Intentionally creating that space

I like word play. What I'm about to write has many meanings / layers of thought and possible origin and levels of understanding that will be both simple and deep. The fabric of our community has been woven together very carefully over time, many hands in the loom, many threads of conversation and clusters of families, individuals, tribes and companies all make up our daily experience in our micro-universe. We have neighbors, neighborhoods, blocks, subdivisions, townships, towns, cities and metros with various forms of governance.

One thing that happened that needs to keep happening for organizing, order and flow: effective and meaningful communication. Take that away and everything unravels. Every part of a network matters. It truly is "all about everyone" and we are all included in what it takes for a city or community to function - all aspects, all roles. Using fabric or tapestry as an example, every strand matters. As thread is spun or woven with other threads, it increasingly becomes stronger. I want to talk about sharing ideas and communication. First, you must have that opportunity. My title is about 'we time' as word play on the idea of 'me time'. It's just as important to take time out with yourself as it is to intentionally make time for a good meeting, a way to not be distracted with media or other things, a way to show you intend on giving your undivided attention to the other person or group. Why? We all have something to say, we are all included in this space we call home. Each person and story matters, each is still in flux and a living dynamic worthy of our utmost respect.

There are many ways to set the stage for a great meeting or conversation. I'd say the first is be available or MAKE THE TIME. Carve out a time that works for you, find an middle ground, but make yourself available and agree on a place where you put your phone down and give the other person/group your full undivided and intentional energy to be fully present. There are many ways personnaly to do this, invite a person to your home, maybe set the meeting at a local library or restaurant or church / community center. Regardless, make the time, show the other party you value what they have to say and then set the stage for a successful meeting. By that I don't mean you convey only your point of view or story, but you are ready to also listen and share, not dominate the time. It's quite possible during this 'melding of the minds' or weaving of tapestry you can co-create an idea, a spark or begin something jointly new as a synergy of sorts into something wonderful, more than imagined before. Dream big. Dare to dream, dare to try, dare to discuss and see what happens. As others join in, a beautiful collaboration takes form. As you discuss, watch for feedback, make sure the other isn't listening with a question on deck, or just waiting for space to get thier own angle or edge in. Ask rhetorical questions to see if you heard them right, and see if you are hearing the other person right, watch for those classic barriers to effective communication that are not limited to physical noise or hard of hearing.

One level up from a personal meeting, is a community meeting of sorts, like an open marketplace, a bistro, a restaurant or bookstore for a few examples. You can announce it in various ways on message boards, use newspaper, social media, flyers, etc. I want to talk about 3 such venues: Roundtable Discussions, Lunchbunch type meetings, and social networking meetings. All are open, all are published and advertised, most are free or require small contribution or donation 'to keep the lights on'. I have thouroughly enjoyed the 'adult forum' or roundtable type meetings held locally in various cities put on by various groups such as the Rotary Club or put on by Universities near you. A topic is picked, a moderator is chosen, and a great careful free discussion ensues that is quite satisfying to experience if you are encouraged by intellectual discourse and commentary. Some were extremely personal or deep- one was moderated by the local Grief Counselor of a nearby hospital, and it talked about how healthy it was to grieve and to get help if you needed it. Another more recent venue is the social media online community, where you take a digital or online connection and conversation, then move it to 'offline' or actual physical meeting on location. Two such venues are LinkedIn Local and LunchIn. Both had similar roots, sparked by the universal need for human to human contact in a smaller setting, not necessarily a large production or convention/seminar. I have supported locally a few LILO (LinkedInLocal) events in the Houston area, and will be co-hosting one soon with Gregorio Ariza in the Woodlands area. Currently my esteemed partner is also an Ambassador for LunchIn, representing both Houston and the Woodlands area. Today, we are having our 5th LunchIn, bouncing around Houston and the Woodlands area to accomodate travel and parking issues on a weekly basis on Wednesdays, and the results have been fabulous, better than anticipated. This is a Texas first (for LunchIn), and 2nd in the USA to set aside time, enjoy a meal and get to know your online connections better or meet others across industry. Most importantly with LinkedIn Local and LunchIn, you create that sacred space, intentionally put phones down and get to know others deeper, enjoy great ambience, food and company. -a side note, a great cook/chef/author Michael Pollan wrote a book and did a short Netflix series called "Cooked" that talks about creating this space for what he respectfully and carefully calls a meal. From field and farm to table, energy was used to raise/grow/harvest/prepare and serve your food. Being present in the moment, you gratefully acknowledge the sacrifice by all to give sustenance and hope and enjoy that moment. - Repeat! LinkedIn Local and LunchIn are not limited to a lunch, but rather they can be breakfast or evening and weekends too. The main point is not the name or the venue or who is hosting, but rather the attendees, as all have a story, all have a human need for connection and basic human interaction you can't quite get online.

To summarize, great things are possible when you set aside time to meet, discuss, share and collaborate. I call it a #LaunchpadForAwesomeness - it becomes a catalyst that has a positive reaction and outcome greater than you can imagine, but first you must meet. Online does also have great meetings of the mind, but in person there are ways to help exceed the limitations and problems of tone, language, body language, hand shakes, hugs or fist bumps and experience the energy of the room. It's almost like we are brighter together and the reaction and outcome is multiplied. To say I love it may sound like a blanket statment, or you may feel I'm trying to rope you in ( all word play ) but the fabric of our lives and the tapestry we weave is very deliberate, it happens over time, and it requires intention and careful mindfulness and being present to be a success.

Join us! Watch the hashtags #LinkedInLocal , #LunchIn or make time to attend your local Forum in your community. They happen weekly, monthly, quarterly and you can do your own if you are like 25 or more miles away and won't be competing with an established venue and occurance. Most importanly, #itsallabouteveryone - this includes all, none to be excluded and left out. After Harvey, Houston become #HoustonStrong, a communitas of shared trauma and community coming together with outside help and continued Esprit de Corp or good energy, knowing the strength of the bonds and ties formed in small meetings help the larger community as a whole pull together and stay strong.

James Glines

Senior Inspector at BGE, Inc.

6 年

I'd love to hear from The #Misfits around the world and love to get together with others locally in Houston and collaborate on a joint project

James Glines

Senior Inspector at BGE, Inc.

6 年

I'd like to bring up the outcome of creating a good space and saying things better as well as intentionally communicating it's what some people call #RealTalk or you can say when two or more parties bare their souls and openly discuss things without filters or maybe you could say respectful filters LOL but what is needed in society these days is most definitely meaningful communication and a sense of family or inclusion because we are better together or as Brandon Towle says #bettertogether

Lila Smith

Director of Communications @ The Philadelphia Cricket Club | Creator: Say Things Better Method? of Intentional Communication | Co-Author: You've Got Values! | YouMap? Certified

6 年

The power of intentional communication is massive. The individual responsibility we can each take to show up as our fullest and most generous selves means that we build the communities that accept and empower all of us. Let yourself be seen so others will be comfortable sharing themselves. Then the bonds form from trust that allow us to accomplish huge things together.

James Glines

Senior Inspector at BGE, Inc.

6 年

I'd love to hear from a co-host and Co ambassador and business owner Gregorio Edgar Ariza Fernandez on the journey to now on the backstory the current moment and where all of this is headed as well as possibility and towards what we dream can be especially the part of if we build it they will come and by that I mean both virtually and in real life

James Glines

Senior Inspector at BGE, Inc.

6 年

I would love to hear from LinkedIn local hosts across the world as well as lunch in posts across the world on how everyone is jointly creating that space as well as their experiences on how things worked and what can work better such as keeping it to a small enough number or breakout groups so it is an effective meeting without getting lost in a crowd or having repetitive meeting times and using similar location so people don't get lost and it's found easily or parking isn't a problem or you pay $40 down town in Houston just to attend a networking event that was also had a fee attached to it which could push people away I'd like to hear of all possibilities and suggestions as well as Solutions of what worked great



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