Time off when working is very important!
Anita Cyran
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When beginning working as a translator every person is full of energy and enthusiasm. You may think that you can work all day, without any break because this is the profession of your dreams. You do not deny any translation because that is another client, another experience, and obviously profit. But you cannot do that for the whole time. You must realise that job is not the most important. You should be able to keep balance between your job and free time. You can demand that time for whatever you want! It can be your family, trips, taking care of yourself, hobby, it does not matter. What matters is that you must find it.
Ability to plan your work is very important, but planning holiday may appear to be very difficult for someone who is the beginner. Some questions appear: What if I do not respond the client because I'm on holidays? Will he or she reject my services? Of course, it may happen that someone who needs translation "just right now" does not wait for you, but chooses some other translator. But I'm sure that continuing and good contact with the client will effect in that everything can be arranged, and you will have time to go for holidays. Your regular clients can be easily informed of your planned time off. Thanks to that your client has the possibility to plan everything too. What about new clients? Let assume that at the very beginning you do not have any office and employees who can respond to people on your behalf, it is enough to place any notice on your website, profile or wherever you are active.
Free time means also some breaks during your working day. As I mentioned in one of my prior articles, you are your on boss and nobody says what you have to do, but on the other hand, nobody says that you need a break. But it is worth to take care of it. Relaxed brain is more productive. Short walk around your block or any other activity will have a positive impact on the rest of your work. Such time management gives you the opportunity to spend less time on translation process because you become more productive. Overtired employee is the employee who can hardly focus on his tasks, and at the same time the quality of these can become much worse.
Remember that time off and holiday are common parts of your job. Translating without any break and holiday may become a complete disaster, and such an opinion strongly affects the number of your clients. Good communication and relax are key elements of running a business as a sole trader.