Time for Nominet to sit up and listen......
Image found via Google Image Search for Nominet

Time for Nominet to sit up and listen......

"Time for Nominet to sit up and listen......" - what does this mean?

Simple, they need to listen to everyone and not just those within the walls of Minerva House!!

When you have something, that could be classed as a Government Body, Institution or Panel doing a service or role that really should be done by the Government, you need to understand that you're answerable to a much wider audience than just your staff and shareholders.

As a organisation like Nominet, you stand as leading light to all across the country you operate in, whether directly or indirectly, but most of all, be a leading light when it comes to informing, enlightening and educating people - not just businesses!

What we have seen over the last decade, is an organisation that's become self-centred within it's management and board teams to operate as a commercial company with commercial pay structure and remuneration with no one to answer to but themselves - can you imagine what would happy if this done by Government Department or funded organisation?

If Nominet are wanting to encompass "Delivering Change" as this article is trying to suggest, then they need to understand what change is and how #Tech4All and #Tech4Good are valuable resources and tools to deliver a real internet organisation for the future by embracing the beginnings, past, present and future in to one vision and foundation to move forward by listening to everyone and not just themselves as this current "Merry-go-round" of musical chairs between the board and management team that has been seen pre and post EGM!!

The time has come for Nominet to go back to it's roots and be a body for the industry but also help by creating the future based on history and embracing this to be educational tools for today's children and enabling them to become innovators and unicorns for the UK Tech Industry.

Whilst we can all see what Simon Blackler and the team at Public Benefit UK have tried to achieve, their intentions are well founded and are the fist step in the right direction, but we need to see past this and this needs to be the start of building on the current foundations of the UK Tech scene.

If Nominet can't see the damage they created which lead to an EGM being called, the results of the EGM Vote, ignoring the EGM result and subsequent announcements, to try and carry on before, the credibility and legacy of Nominet is turning quickly from a farce into joke which across the world of technology, is not something the UK needs moving forward!

We need to be a leading light - not a laughing stock.....

So, as someone who own's domains, advises potential entrepreneurs on their web presence when starting their own businesses, and talking about both today's technology and the future of technology, please speak to the company that provides your domain and/or hosts your website to get them to push Nominet into carrying out the result of the EGM Vote as well as implements the recommendations of Public Benefit UK immediately......

Afterall, this isn't just your website or internet service - it is that of your children's and grandchildren's - do you want to be the one to explain to them why you did nothing when they asked you why doesn't the UK have it's own Internet industry body?

It's time for you to act now.....

(Please note - these are my observations and views and have not been as result of any direct engagement between myself and Nominet or has this article been written at the request of anyone connected to Public Benefit UK. It has been produced after the reading of recent articles including this latest one from The Registry on the continuing debacle of what's happening at Nominet!!)


Ian Calvert is a Business Analyst and Consultant who works across the sectors of AI, CSR, Future of Work, Futurism, IIoT, IoT, Influence, Influencer Marketing, Mobile Technology, Reality Technology, Social Business, Social Influence, SDG, SDGs, Solar Energy, Smart Energy and Technology.

To learn more as to how Ian can help you and your business, please connect with him here and start planning to bring the Future into your business today.


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