Is It Time To Move On?
I often hear people say, “I wish I were treated better.” And the tendency is to look around and blame the people in their lives for not treating them better. But the solution remains inside us. Why are we hanging around people who do not treat us respectfully? How did we get to this place? Is our self-esteem so low that we’ve become comfortable around people who routinely criticize us and denigrate us, who ridicule us and put us down? Fortunately, a solution is always at hand.
Our first step is to look inside ourselves and realize that we deserve to be treated at all times with respect and honor. We need to quiet our mind and deeply realize and understand that moving forward means associating only with people who lift us up, who treat us with kindness and understanding.
Once we realize that our soul needs respect and kindness to feel at peace, the next step is to examine our close relationships and make sure we surround ourselves only with people who reflect who we want to be and how we want to feel. Energy is contagious, and people with toxic, negative energy have a way of making other people feel bad. Why spend one more moment with a person like this? Move on.
Once you remove a few people from your circle, you will feel lighter and happier. It won’t be a coincidence. It may seem challenging to remove a few friends, but it is actually easier than remaining in a hurtful, negative cycle. Spend your energy on people and situations that move your life forward.