The most powerful man in the world has 24 hours in a day to get what he or she needs done. the richest man in the world has 3,600 minutes in one day to earn his money the most educated man in the world has a hundred and sixty eight hours a week to learn. the greatest athlete in the world has 365 days in a year to Train.

How much time do you have?

You know when people tell me Ramesh I just don't have enough time to get everything I need.

Man look ?it's not true, it's not real. I don't believe this time excuse I recently read an article that the average person in this country watches over three hours of social media a day. You know how much time that is 65,700 minutes a year. ?Do you realize how many different skills can you learn from that extra time?

It is actually lie. you're lying when you tell yourself that you don't have enough time, look you are lying to yourself be honest about it. You lie when you say you don't have enough time. the fact is you have the same amount of time as everyone else you're just not using it efficiently and you might be using it for the wrong things. we all have the same 24 hours amounting to 8760 hours a year that's what we all have. if you don't know how to use it, that's a problem. If you don't know how much times even available that's a problem. I assure you that you haven't decided how to use time if you don't know how much is there.

?If you agree that “time is money” you heard that saying, that “time is money”? then your time should be inventoried. Hey how much time do I actually have in a day a week a year how much time am I actually using on TV or wasteful events or things that can't get me production see you want to inventory your time and protect it, like you would anything that is valuable.

folks that's exactly how you're going to get where you want to get in your life by maximizing every minute of every day by taking time and leveraging time. time is money if you're producing and time is money when you're not doing anything because somebody else is collecting money when you're laying on the couch.

Anyone can be at the next place the question is how do you get to the next place?

Only by using time wisely

Can you get rich quick? No it is impossible, you can’t get rich quick, and it won’t matter any way if you got rich quick, does it mean you will stay rich.

People have three problems with money.

They don’t know how to make it, how to keep it and how to multiply.

Same thing with time. People don’t know how to make it, how to keep their time and how to multiply.

You hunting money by selling your time. Which you have to do in the beginning, you have to sell your time to get your money, because nobody is going to pay you otherwise.

Later on what you need to exchange is Value…The new commodity is speed. who ever can go faster can earn more. So if I can collapse time, if I can do a project in 30 days rather than 60 days, if I do a project in 2 hours rather than 10. If I can pull time, if I can tighten down a target. Would I make more money?

Some of you might be confused about it, because you think the longer you spent on a project, like a lawer, the more I pay.

If he can do it in the faster way, he can move to the next client. this is how the world works. Speed is the new big..

only by inventory in the time you can take your life to the next level, how much time do I have, and then figuring out, what am I going to replace that activity with this wasteful and how do I turn that into a productive activity so what I want you to learn in this segment is just this how much time do you have and what are you doing with it and maybe consider that you're going to start inventory become conscious and aware of where you're using time what you're using it on and how much is being wasted.

If you want more money, you have to have more time. If you want more time, you must have more money. They are interconnected.


