Time is Money -is it really?
Jonathan Martin DipPFS EFA
AKA ‘A Shropshire Lad in Switzerland’ -35 years experience in helping English speakers overseas to become more confident and empowered to thrive in their adopted countries through my information and event services.
We’ve all heard the saying "time is money",
Is that correct or should it be 'Money is time'?.
Money takes time to make, and while you can find, make, borrow, inherit or even steal money; time you cannot.
Think of the judicial system, what’s the harshest penalty you can get? Jail, as a punishment, they take time from you.
Everyday you look in the mirror you’re getting older, you’re getting slower, at some point your body or your mind is going to stop working. If you are 40 years old and you want to retire at 60. You’ve only got 1040 Wednesdays left, or even scarier just 240 pay days.
I know this sounds morbid, but it’s true, and you know it. If it takes you a month to save 1,000 CHF. And you blow that on a TV you don’t need. That TV has cost you a month of your life! .
Money is a precious resource that people, including myself, sacrifice time for. Time with my family, time with friends, time living, time that I'll never get back.
So perhaps from today when you fancy a new gadget or designer gear. - look at your watch and work out how much time it’s gonna cost you. Not how quick you can earn it, that’s irrelevant, because you can blag yourself and say "it’s only a day's work", which is what I used to do.
But it’s not though is it. Because you’ve got bills, tax, expenses that NEED to be paid, you need to eat, you need to clothe your kids, so what’s left after all this? How long is it going to take you to save it. And most of the time, it changes your mind from buying items you don’t really need.
And this isn't to say "don't buy things" - you have got to live, but it's a cautionary tale, a mindset change to help you realise that caution with your finances, and time, can go a long, long way.
So remember - Money is time, don’t squander it.
Have a great day
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