Time Is Money: 5 Ways to Get More Done
The old adage that time is money has remained a common saying because it is true.?
When you waste a lot of time that could be used to make money, you lose not only the time but the money, as well. The more organized you are and the more you are able to get done in the time you have, the more money you can make during that time.?
Additionally, the faster you can accomplish tasks that do not make you any money, the more hours you will have available to you where money can be made.?
With that in mind, here are five of the best ways to get more done.
Don't Focus on Your Inbox
If you keep checking your email, you will be taking a lot of time away from other tasks. You will also be frequently interrupting yourself, which means you will get less done. You will take longer to refocus on what you were doing after stopping and checking email, so it is not just the time used to check your inbox. It is the time lost between the check and the restarting of the work, as well. Set specific times to check your inbox, and stick to those.
Take a Break and Get Some Exercise
One of the best ways to get more done is to take a break. While that might seem counterintuitive, taking a break to get some exercise is a way to reset your brain a little bit. It recharges and re-energizes you, making it easier for you to focus on the task at hand. You cannot just work all day and not take breaks, because your productivity will drop. It is easier to do more when you take time to move around between tasks.
Do the Most Important Things First
Every day you have things you need to get done, and when you focus on the most important of those things you accomplish more. Make a list of the things that matter most, and then make sure those things get done. You can add other things to the list, but if you do not get to everything that is all right. As long as the most important things are completed, you will keep your tasks and goals moving forward.
Slow Down So You Can Refocus
If you are not focused on what you are doing, you end up scrambling to get anything done. You can avoid that by slowing down. Trying to rush too much does not solve anything at all, and it can mean that you actually get less done from the stress you are experiencing. Take a breath. Slow down. Complete each task deliberately, and more will be accomplished.
Recognize the Value of Saying No
You are only one person, and you cannot do it all. Understand that?it is all right to say no, and to focus on yourself and your mental health instead of always trying to meet the demands of everyone else. Saying no is acceptable, and if you need to do it, do not feel bad about it. When you are honest about what you can and cannot do, and you follow the tips here, you will be able to get more done in less time, and with less stress, too.