Time to mobilize
We all have a smartphone now. Actually I take that back, everyone has that one friend that doesn’t – and they make a big song and dance about how you don’t need one, you just need a phone function. Frankly that’s poppycock. Especially if you’re using smartphones and tablets as part of your business.
Which, if our experiences are anything to go by, most people are. And why not? It’s easy, it’s quicker and you don’t have to be chained to a desk to be working.
That has its downsides mind you …namely that you don’t have to be chained to a desk to be working, so work is quite hard (if not impossible) to put down. But that’s a whole separate issue.
For the most part they’re great and they make our lives more straightforward. (As an aside here, if your website isn’t optimised to be viewed on mobile devices you’re missing a massive trick – consider this a friendly push in the right direction.)
But if you are using tablets and smartphones as part of your business network, you need to be including mobile device management in your IT support.