Time & Mind are your Main Resource for Success in Life
Dinesh Rawat
Landscaping & Gardening Expert, Author of Books on Palms, Landscaping & Home Gardening
Our body is the best machine in the world. Time and Mind are the two main raw materials that you process with your invaluable machine.
What is your most important platform to perform your deeds by using your body, time, and mind?
It’s your life, and everyone’s top priority is preserving this life. Let us consider your life is a hundred years. Now, what are these years made out of? These years are made out of months, weeks, days, and hours, and hours are made out of seconds. So every second that passes is reduced from your life.
If an unknown person asks you to give him a loan of Rupees five thousand, you would think ten times. You would consider your benefits, whether you would ever get that money back or not, etc. But on the other hand, if someone involves you in a waste discussion, you would spend hours and hours. If you had given that money, there are fair chances that you would have got it back someday, sometimes with some interest, gratitude, or favor. But the time you have spent with a person without any purpose is a gross loss for you. It has gone from your stock of the time you have in your life. You are never going to get it back the time, which has elapsed.
Similarly, your brain is the most valuable asset with precious faculty of thinking power. You are what you think. Whatever you are today is a result of what thoughts you have incorporated into your mind. Your future would depend on the thoughts you accept and install in your mind. Success is nothing but a mind game. Higher the quality of your thought, the higher the quality of life you would have. Your character, attitudes, habits, actions, likes, dislikes, confidence, creativity, resolution, planning, etc., would all emerge according to your thought. So t is essential that you should be attentive as to what thoughts you create in your mind. You should be discreet and attentive to create more creative and positive thoughts than negative or wasteful thoughts.
We shall discuss more thoughts tomorrow. Today you must resolve to use more of your time and mind for your all-around progress.