Michael White
Force Multiplier - Driven to Connect People, Create Content, Build Win-Win Relationships. Mortgage Pro, Team Builder, Champion for Passionate People
"And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run. You missed the starting gun"
Haunting words from the iconic 1973 Pink Floyd song that still resonate today. The older I get, the more I learn and realize how much time I have squandered in certain endeavors or relationships. I do not regret the rollercoaster ride of my life experience and the many adventures I have undertaken...They made me who I am today. What lingers or stings is the loyalty I gave away unwisely to those that didn't deserve it.
Time is money. According to the International Monetary Fund - "Over the past three decades, more than half of the countries and close to 90 percent of advanced economies have seen an increase in income inequality". This means that based on economic demographics alone - most of the people I know are losing the financial war of wealth building. Discipline is required to make smart people choices if we're to grow successfully.
Lesson learned: The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
WHAT can the individual do to build wealth, grow stronger AND create generational wealth?
Sharing THREE tips to help
Time waits for no one.
Time moves forward relentlessly and is unforgiving. Have to understand this and START to create and seize opportunities with one another. Learn from your past, live in the moment and build for the future. What will your legacy be?