Time Marches On,.......
Eric Brown (Author)
Writer/Published Author Specialized Coaching & Counseling for Female Entrepreneurs **Hire Eric for One on One Coaching **Help with Your Transition **Help with Having a GrowingFREE SimpleLife
Social Media has a way of helping us see what held our interest years ago, decades sometimes. Some of it can be painful, some joyful. Some things about past chapters are better to stay dormant. Journaling helps us to remember
Our Attempt to Eradicate Feelings
-) pleasure and pain
-) loss and gain
-) praise and blame
-) fame and disgrace.
A more practical approach would be to get to know them, see how they hook us, see how they color our perception of reality, see how they aren’t all that solid.
We Do Anything To not Feel Pain
Including causing pain and abusing power
People are desperate to feel more connected
- Is anyone looking in the right places?
- Is anyone thinking about how it all works together?
- Is everyone disembodied from their own inner world and disconnected from other people?
Many Lonely & Secret Lives
The same substances that take the edge off anxiety and pain also dull our sense of observation. We see the pain caused by the misuse of power, so we numb our pain and lose track of our own power. We become terrified of feeling pain, so we engage in behaviors
When we stop numbing and start feeling and learning again, we have to reevaluate everything, especially how to choose loving ourselves
Time Marches On,.............
"Barely the day started and
it's already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday
and it's already Friday.
.. and the month is already over.
.. and the year is almost over.
.. and already 40, 50 or 60 years
of our lives have passed.
.. and we realize that we lost
our parents, friends.
.. and we realize it's too late
to go back.
So.. Let's try, despite
everything, to enjoy
the remaining time.
Let's keep looking for
activities that we like.
Let's put some color in
our grey.
Let's smile at the little
things in life that put
balm in our hearts.
And despite everything,
we must continue to enjoy
with serenity this time we
have left.
Let's try to eliminate the
I'm doing it after.
I'll say after.
I'll think about it after.
We leave everything for
later like ′′ after ′′ is ours.
Because what we don't
understand is that:
Afterwards, the coffee
gets cold.
afterwards, priorities change.
Afterwards, the charm is
Afterwards, health passes.
Afterwards, the kids grow up.
Afterwards parents get old.
Afterwards, promises are
Afterwards, the day becomes
the night.
Afterwards, life ends.
And then it's often too late.
So.. Let's leave nothing for
Because still waiting to see
later, we can lose the
best moments, the best
experiences, best friends,
the best family.
The day is today. The
moment is now.
We are no longer at the
age where we can afford
to postpone what needs
to be done right away."
It Looks Like An Eternity,
But It's A Short Trip,
Enjoy Life And Always
Be Kind."
-Photo Eric
We are living in a time when everyone is constantly reassessing what is next
The post-career population is going through massive change that many of them are not prepared financially, logistically, or emotionally for the next phase of their lives.
GrowingFREE SimpleLife helps with action to achieve a purposeful life,?
-Reimagine yourself
-Own who you are
-Act on what’s next
-Reassess your relationships
Want a SimpleLife; Hire Eric?
**One on One Coaching to Help with Your Transition
**GhostWriting; Creating onLine Content Building Your Leadership Presence.
Effective No Nonsense Coaching
-Message Me Here
-Text/Call 248-767-4460
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About Eric
Eric is an Entrepreneur, A Published Author and Writer. Eric lives a Nomadic Lifestyle and is an OffGrid Practitioner. He is also an Instructor for Melina Emerson Small Biz Lady and an Adjunct Instructor at Drexel University. Eric is well seasoned in urban housing development. He has built and developed over 14,000 market rate apartments on a national scale. He founded Urbane Apartments in 2000 and oversaw new business, general operations, marketing and branding at the company until retiring in 2021. He was long recognized by the multi-family housing industry as a vanguard of cutting edge social media marketing. Eric’s social media marketing and branding strategy has garnered national media attention with feature articles such as Branding on a Budget in Entrepreneur Magazine. Urbane Media digital marketing innovation was also highlighted in Business Week Magazine and Eric was named as a Voice of Innovation in Social Media by Bloomberg Business and also landed in the New York Times and the Harvard Business Review.Follow Our Musings, Books & Offerings here;