Time Management

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Time Management

I work with clients to develop time management skills. Some are brilliant professionals but are lousy time managers. Finding enough time in a day to do the things we want to do at work outside our work— achieving that optimal work-life balance— is challenging.

Some are naturally more inclined than others towards the efficient use of time. They prefer tightly set agendas, schedules, closure. Others prefer to live and work with more spontaneity, less restriction on the way they use their time. For all, time is limited, so that the ideal goal is to find the optimum balance. All who work at it, no matter what their personal preference, can improve time management and productivity.

Here are tips to help you improve time management. Try them out and pick the ones that work best for you.

·      Get organized.




Organizing time involves three main facets:  planning your work projects or leisure time activities, prioritizing tasks and activities, and focusing on the most pressing priorities. Some people like to prepare lists and others to use an organizer (hard copy or online) software.

I am not a ‘list-person’ and don’t use an iCal program, but you may find such a program useful. In the planning stage, I keep sight of the “big picture” but also focus on more immediate priorities. I jot down important action items on my schedule book, and occasionally send an email to myself as a reminder. I keep that “list” of priorities alive and running in my head.

What works for me may not work for you. Experiment.

To prioritize doesn’t mean that you put off less important tasks forever. If you never give some time to the items at the bottom of your list, they’ll never get off the list. Dedicate some time every day tackling those lower priority items.

For example, you may spend time early in the morning responding to routine emails. Not answering them within a reasonable time creates annoys the sender. On the other hand, responding to an email the minute you are alerted that an email comes in or snapping to attention whenever your phone buzzes is counter-productive. Strike the right balance.

Also, take major tasks and break them down into manageable chunks. Those big projects will become less daunting and more subject to effective time management.

·      Don’t procrastinate.

It’s easy for anyone to procrastinate and to rationalize the reasons for postponing the tackling of an important task, never getting to important items on your list. Such procrastination causes stress, particularly as deadlines approach. The tension may cause an “adrenaline” surge of energy to propel you to action and complete your work on time, but usually, procrastination is just a stress-builder, and stress can cause sickness, mental and physical

If you tend to procrastinate getting started on an important task, try launching into the work priority during a time that you negotiate with yourself, even if just for a half-hour. For example, commit to prepare an outline or make a few notes, rather than putting off the project until it becomes too late. You may find that once you finally get started the work proceeds smoothly and you extend the time you said you would spend.

·      Multi-task sparingly.

Multi-tasking can be an important strategy to achieve effective time management and boost your productivity, but I recommend that you multi-task in limited doses, or else you may find that you lose focus.

This personal example illustrates multi-tasking outside work to achieve an improved work-life balance.

Physical exercise is a critical part of wellness, and I set a goal to work out 5 times a week. I also work a full day managing my company. I manage limited time by looking for productive ways to multi-task. I treadmill while watching a monitor and instead of taking the bus to my gym,  run there, giving me the aerobic exercise I want. Great ideas have popped up when I am jogging.

Some tasks, though, merit your undivided attention and shouldn’t be multi-tasked, especially at work.

In your planning and prioritization, identify the work deserving your complete dedication.

In your planning and prioritization, identify the work deserving your complete dedication.

·      Eschew distractions.

Good time managers focus. They aren’t strayed from a priority by unproductive distractions. You needn’t turn into a zombie and neglect the basic amenities in an organization, the usual greetings, the polite behavior expected of a teammate. Just don’t fritter valuable time or find excuses to put off priorities.

·      Delegate.

If you try to do everything yourself when you can “farm out” tasks to subordinates on your team, you are not managing your time effectively. Learning to delegate frees you up to concentrate on what’s most important and to empower others, a key step in good management.  Learn to let go, sharing ownership. Keep a watchful eye and a helpful hand while entrusting ownership to your teammates part of a project. It is an important development step in your management.

·      Learn to say “no.”

Learn to say “no” to unreasonable requests that chew up valuable time. Someone interrupts your workflow with a request that can be dealt with at a later time or makes a request that places an unreasonable burden on you. Say “no” politely yet firmly or negotiate meeting the request at a more suitable time. It’s nice to extend a helping hand to a colleague but not to the extent that you are continuously picking up the slack of others at the expense of your own priorities.

·      Have guts.

Suppose it is the boss who makes an unreasonable request or assigns you useless or redundant work. We have all had bosses who assigned the same task to different people. You must always be diplomatic in these situations but needn’t simply comply with the request because it comes from the boss. Negotiate extension of an unrealistic deadline and/or show how to cut redundant, unnecessary work so that you free up more time on productive work in your organization. If the tasks are routine, ask yourself whether they can be mechanized or assigned to assistants. It’s not a matter of proving that you can do everything. It’s a matter of focusing on the work where you can add the most value. Outsourcing tasks to capable assistants can increase their motivation and take the pressure off you.

·      Set realistic goals.

Set challenging targets for yourself but avoid setting unrealistic goals that stretch you too far. You will only wind up missing the goal, causing frustration.

·      Don’t “bite off more than you can chew.”

If you get involved in too many activities and become overloaded, you will break smooth time management and eventually drop the ball. You know yourself better than anyone else. In managing your time, choose the activities you take on carefully, mindful of your priorities and your time limitations.

·      Never make a promise that you can’t keep.

This includes promises to others and promises to yourself. If you say you are going to do it, do it. If you aren’t sure, don’t commit. To make a promise you can’t keep disappoints the person you promised and leaves you stressed, or it disappoints you.

·      Flex.

Things rarely go exactly as planned. Unforeseen contingencies occur despite the best of planning. Life events, never predictable with complete certainty, change the game plan. Adopt a flexible style so that you can adjust your strategy when circumstances warrant a change. Persistence is a virtue,  but refusal to change when circumstances patently justify it is stubbornness. Being flexible doesn’t mean wavering or changing your plan every other day. It entails the wisdom of knowing when the plan you timetabled is simply no longer realistic.

·      Keep a journal.

Try keeping an electronic or hard copy learning journal of the approach you take to time management, jotting down a few notes of what works and what doesn’t, the challenges you faced, and how you dealt with them. You needn’t make this a rigid requirement that in itself becomes a needless drain on your time. Just let the journal record milestones that make you more mindful of time and record your progress.

·      Chill out.

Once in a while, hang up the tight time management and just chill, particularly in enjoying leisure time. Be disciplined at work, relax outside of work, where the use of your time productively won’t be evaluated. Sure, plan, but occasionally throw the list to the wind and spend the day free from a rigidly defined schedule. This chill time can be the refreshing space you need to gear up for a faster, agenda-driven pace in your office.

Be healthy, be well, love.

Warren J. Devalier


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