Time Management vs Time Mastery - Avoid Feeling Swamped & Overwhelmed - Hacking Leadership Series Part 57.

Time Management vs Time Mastery - Avoid Feeling Swamped & Overwhelmed - Hacking Leadership Series Part 57.

In the fast-paced and demanding realm of business, the ability to manage time effectively is a crucial skill that sets successful CEOs and founders apart. As a seasoned holistic performance and leadership coach with over two decades of experience, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by executives in navigating their ever-expanding to-do lists and competing priorities. Today, I invite you on a journey towards Time Mastery, a paradigm that transcends traditional time management techniques and empowers leaders to optimise their productivity and achieve unprecedented success.

Within the realm of time management, executives operate at various levels of competency. These levels reflect the approaches and strategies employed to allocate and utilise time effectively. As we delve into the five levels of time management, it becomes evident that most executives tend to operate at Level 2 or Level 3, utilising techniques such as creating lists or prioritising tasks. However, by skipping levels 1-4 and attaining Time Mastery, CEOs and founders can unlock a new dimension of productivity and fulfilment.

Level 1: Reactivity Transformed:

At Level 1, executives often find themselves in a reactive state, constantly responding to the demands and urgencies of the moment. While this approach allows for immediate problem-solving, it lacks foresight and strategic planning. To rise above reactivity, leaders must transition to a proactive mindset, taking control of their schedules and intentionally allocating their time based on long-term goals and priorities.

At Level 1 of time management competency, many executives find themselves caught in a perpetual state of reactivity. They often feel overwhelmed by the constant influx of tasks, emails, and demands that come their way. While reacting swiftly to immediate needs may provide short-term relief, it leaves little room for long-term planning and strategic thinking. CEOs and founders operating at this level often find themselves constantly putting out fires without making substantial progress towards their goals.

To break free from the cycle of reactivity, leaders must embrace a proactive mindset. This involves taking a step back, reflecting on their vision and objectives, and proactively allocating their time to align with these overarching goals. By shifting from reactive to proactive time management, CEOs and founders regain control over their schedules, enabling them to focus on activities that contribute to long-term success.

Level 2: The Power of Lists:

Level 2 represents a significant leap forward in time management competency. At this stage, executives recognise the importance of creating and maintaining well organised lists. List-making becomes a foundational tool for managing time efficiently and focusing on essential tasks.

By leveraging the power of lists, leaders gain a sense of structure and control over their workflow. They can prioritise their tasks, allocate time accordingly, and ensure that important responsibilities are not overlooked. List-making empowers CEOs and founders to approach their work with greater focus, efficiency, and productivity.

Level 3: Prioritisation for Progress:

Moving beyond mere list-making, Level 3 introduces the practice of prioritisation. Leaders at this stage understand that not all tasks hold equal significance. They assign priorities based on urgency, importance, and alignment with strategic objectives. By identifying and focusing on high-priority activities, executives maximise their time allocation, make meaningful progress, and achieve tangible outcomes that propel their vision forward.

By assigning priorities to tasks based on their urgency, importance, and alignment with strategic goals, CEOs and founders ensure that their time is dedicated to activities that drive meaningful outcomes. This level of time management competency enables leaders to make informed decisions about how to invest their energy and resources, ensuring that they are consistently moving closer to their objectives.

Level 4: Collaborative Alignment:

Level 4 emphasises the significance of collaboration and alignment within the organisational context. Recognising that time management extends beyond individual efforts, leaders at this level engage in collaborative discussions with their teams and key stakeholders. Through shared insights and perspectives, priorities are refined, resources are optimised, and time allocation becomes a collective endeavour. This level fosters a culture of collaboration, accountability, and synchronised effort towards overarching strategic goals.

By involving key stakeholders and seeking input from team members, CEOs and founders ensure that time allocation is synchronised with the majority of the leadership team of the organisation. This level of time management competency fosters a culture of shared accountability, where leaders work together to optimise resources, streamline efforts, and drive collective success. Unfortunately without it being grounded in the Vision and Strategy of the organisation, and the subsequent individual leadership versions of this strategy, the collaborated efforts may only produce short term or limited positive impact.

Level 5: Time Mastery:

Time Mastery represents the pinnacle of effective time management. At this level, CEOs and founders go beyond simply managing their time and embrace a strategic approach that pre-emptively fills their diaries with activities aligned with the organisation's strategic pillars.

To achieve Time Mastery, leaders deconstruct the organisational strategy and identify the key pillars that underpin success. They then allocate their time strategically, ensuring that every moment is devoted to advancing these core pillars. This proactive and intentional approach empowers leaders to make substantial progress towards their goals, effectively leveraging their time to create a lasting impact.

Incorporating the principles of Time Mastery into your daily routine requires dedication, self-awareness, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Through coaching sessions, a coach can help you enhance your time management skills, refine your prioritisation strategies, and unleash your full potential as a CEO or founder.

By mastering the art of time, you will not only experience a profound transformation in your personal productivity but also inspire your team, drive organisational success, and create a legacy that extends far beyond the confines of time.


Time Mastery is the zenith of effective time management. Here, leaders elevate their approach by strategically carving out their time based on key strategic pillars. By deconstructing the organisational strategy, CEOs and founders gain a profound understanding of the core pillars driving success. This empowers leaders to proactively schedule activities that align with these pillars, ensuring that every moment is devoted to advancing the organisation's mission and vision.

By embarking on the journey towards Time Mastery, CEOs and founders can harness the full potential of their time, amplifying their leadership impact and driving their organisations towards extraordinary achievements. Peter Drucker , a renowned management theorist, once stated, "Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." This quote encapsulates the essence of Time Mastery—a strategic approach that ensures leaders not only manage their time efficiently but also invest it in activities that align with their vision and yield significant results. By adopting the principles of Time Mastery, you will unlock your full potential as a CEO or founder, enabling you to make purposeful choices, drive your organisation forward, and achieve extraordinary success. This proactive and intentional approach empowers you to make substantial progress, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges with confidence and clarity.


