Time management
Once there was a lazy boy and he was wasting too much time on social media, TV, and other ususal unproductive stuffs. His father was worried about him and his future.
So one day his father takes him to the movie and after that movie father asked his son what if I give you Rs. 24000 each day?
Son replied, wow that’s amazing.
Father said, but only one condition you will get it at the end of day if you give me account of your time of 24Hrs which you are getting everyday. And if you show some productive work every hour, then only you will get that amount depending on your productivity.
Son replied so what I have to do?
Father: you can choose anything or all from the following. Like, studying, book reading, exercise, helping others, cooking, writing, or anything which will help either you or others.
Son said, that’s easy, I will start from now only…
So he started few things from above…
Initially, it seems difficult for him for few days… but after a month.. he became habitual…
Till month end… he got lot of money from his father….more than five lakhs…
But at the end he realized that… he got more than actuall money from his father… he returned all the money to his father.
He said, Dad, you taught me a very important lesson…
Father asked, whats that?
He said, during last 20 years I was getting 24 hours and was wasting all these in most of unproductive way.
But now, during past one month, I have utilized most of the time. The god is giving me 24 hours a day and if I am not using a time properly I was wasting too much money..
So I understand Time is money. I can borrow money but not time…
So whenever you feel overwhelmed, decide your priorities and avoid wasting time…