Time Management doesn't work
Why are we obsessed with Time Management? What do we want to manage time for? So that we can maintain a Work vs Life balance? The invention fo the watch is accredited to Peter Henlein, whom made the Pomander Watch in 1505.
Firstly, Time Management is an oxymoron. We don't have any control over time. We can't increase its quantity, nor speed up or slow down it's passing. We also don't know how much time we have at our disposal nor when our time on earth will end. Time itself is by definition unmanageable. But we can manage what we do and don't do at any given time.
Secondly, Life (the whole) is made up of work and rest (the elements). There is no such thing as a Work vs Life balance because you're not comparing two of the same kinds of things: Light vs Dark and Cold vs Heat, not Cold vs a jacket...
Life is an endless rhythm of work and rest.
We tend to see work as an occupation (usually also as bad) and life as everything outside of that occupation (usually seen as good).
Work is not solely your occupation. Work is all the doing, creating, organizing, making, building, arranging, and designing in your life. That includes your marriage, relationships, occupation, raising kids, cooking, baking... all of these things form part of your life's work (and none of them are inherently bad).
And Rest is not abstaining from your occupation. Rest (Menuha!) is the refreshing presence of joy, harmony, and contentment. Rest is all about appreciation, celebration, relaxation, and silence.
Life was designed to have a rhythm of work and rest, of doing and not doing, of creating and celebrating that which has been created. The concept of time management is a modern, oxymoronic illusion that by definition, can never work.
Why not try Rhythm Management instead?
SJ Wiggett