
In today's world, it seems like time is flying, by the way, faster than I would like it. Just the other day, I was sitting outside thinking about how the month was already in April.

Where did the time go? We all have been sitting in our homes for a year and can not get out really, so it makes time fly? Kind of like when our children were younger, and as a housewife, you were getting them ready for school then blink putting them to bed.

As an adult, is it hard, or is it for me to sit and watch the time pass by? On bad days when everything is going wrong, it is okay because we want the day to be over. But there are days I wish it would just slow down and let us enjoy it.

With the spring here and people starting to do yard work or sit outside and watch the children and animals play, I would love to slow the days down to enjoy and make lasting memories.


