Time Loop Piece - DVD Extra: Doctor Strange (2016)
Stephen Arnell
Broadcast/Streaming Consultant for TV & Film, Writer/Producer (Bob Fosse, Alex Cox, Prince, Sinatra etc), Media/Culture Commentator (BBC Radio, magazines, newspapers), author (novel The Great One published November 2022)
Doctor Strange (2016) – Disney+, Amazon Rent/Buy
Although not a time loop movie per se until nearing the end of the picture, the manipulation of the so-called 'Fourth Dimension' is at the heart of the storyline.
Arrogant brain surgeon Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) loses the full use of his hands in a car accident and, after exhausting all other avenues, ups sticks to Kathmandu, seeking a mystical cure from ageless skinhead The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton).
Strange eventually matures (mostly) from his former ego-driven approach and under TAO’s tutelage becomes a skilled wizard.
When Swinton’s former pupils kick off in an attempt to open a portal for the world devourer Dormammu (also voiced by Cumberbatch) and his creepy Dark Dimension, Strange uses the numinous Eye of Agamotto to ensnare the irate entity in a time loop until he agrees to call off his takeover plans.
"And that's magic!"
(P Daniels)