No time like the Present to practice Mindfulness!
Jodi Derkson (MEd)
Teacher | Master of Counselling Psych Student | Confidence Coach #Teacher #Facilitator #MentalHealth #Workshops #Counselling
Now is the time. There is no time to waste!
If you are interested in fostering mindfulness in your class/school then please contact me - I can train educators to facilitate a very simple daily 5 minute practice with monthly themes and lessons or I can work directly with your students on developing some essential life skills to reduce anxiety, increase self-knowledge and emotional resilience as well as improve scholastic success.
I can go on and on about the benefits of mindfulness and attention to our inner world in order to better understand who we are and how we learn but I'll just let the students who I taught this summer speak to the topic.
Here is some feedback from grade 9/10 students I worked with this summer (I've kept their names private, of course):
I enjoy meditating and really think it helps me improve in life. Learning to accept myself for who I am, and being more chill instead of always having anger issues.
I learned to be curious for the purpose of being alive. I was taught that in in order to achieve my goals I have to try my best and truly believe in myself.
In this class we really learned about who we are. The class also taught me to be more confident.
One thing that will stick with me will be the meditations we did every class. They really helped me to concentrate when we were given assignments.
In this class I learned how to enjoy life better and now I am not afraid to speak in front of people. I’ve changed. I’ve become more brave, caring to my parents and to myself. I just want to tell you that you are the most powerful teacher I have ever met in my life.
I can say that the meditation was truly helpful as I feel more alive and mindful.
I learned how to present with pride, although the most important thing I’ve learned was how to meditate. Being in this class helped me realize my potential.
We were to take a skill and teach it to the class. Usually, I would have freaked out and felt anxiety before and during my presentation. Along with that would have come the loud pounding of my heart and the shaking of my legs. But instead, I was calm and enjoyed the time. My legs didn’t shake and my voice didn’t tremble and my heart didn’t pound so loudly. I was shocked by such a flip in the attitude during the presentation. I thought to myself, ‘this must be the result of meditation.’ Also, I am able to focus more and stay on topic.
Meditating has helped me a lot – how to be more focused and patient.
Mindfulness has helped me and taught me how to be peaceful. I have understood how it works and how it can help me.
It is hard for me not to get distracted easily, but I noticed that every time we meditated those thoughts would sometimes not even come into my head. Also, my cousins noticed that I don’t swear and get mad easily anymore. I learned some really good and important life lessons that I will definitely use and never forget.
After being taught mindfulness I am more aware of my surroundings.
I learned the value of success, setting goals and the kindness of giving.
Instead of going through life not thinking, it’s important to be aware of what’s happening around me. Also, I’m trying hard to live in the present now.
Out of the mouths of babes. Clearly, they want and need this kind of education and we can offer in every single one of our schools. It is my belief that we NEED to teach mindfulness every single day. I know, from experience (and feedback) that it can help educators, students and the entire school climate to focus, and to be kinder and gentler to one another. If not now, then when?
Connect now to book your school for a teacher presentation or student workshops.