No Time Like the Present….
Time management has been taught as an essential life and business skill for generations. From the heady days of the Filofax to the instant digital diary on our cell phones, planning our time has been the hallmark of the well-organised individual.
We appreciate the benefits of good organisation and efficiency in our daily lives. We like public transport to be reliable. We expect deliveries to arrive on schedule. Yet, it’s ironic that our obsession with time has left us strangely unaware of the magic of the present moment.
This instant that we call ’Now’ is almost completely deserted. The world is living in its recollections of the past and imagining what that will mean as the future. But no one is in the present. The focal point of all reality is strangely deserted. This is why humanity is often described as sleepwalking through life, adrift in the fog of the past and projecting old memories as the thread that weaves the fabric of the future.
To be fully in the present moment is not easy. It requires us to cut ourselves free from the chains and anchors of the past and release our obsessive compulsion to control the future. Freed from the all-too-familiar reference points of the past, our perception shifts into a new way of experiencing the world. The world presents you with a blank canvas on which to write your intentions. You might simply embrace the moment to fill your heart with more happiness than you ever thought possible, something that can be challenging when you feel weighed down by the burdens, disappointments and memories of the past. But your heart is infinitely wiser than your memory and will readily accept the invitation to expand the boundaries of your capacity to experience joy.
When you feel it - and you’ll certainly know when you’re in the moment – you will immediately understand what is really possible for yourself. You’ll experience a dramatic change in your appreciation of what it feels like to be truly alive. Don’t postpone this moment of understanding. Take a deep breath and suspend your connections to the past. Relax and let the world open up before you. Let the present reveal its treasures to you and light up your heart forever.