Time to level up testing and treatment
Peter Keeling, Susanne Munksted
At Diaceutics we maintain the view that better testing is critical in delivering better patient outcomes, and when aligned with targeted therapy, the two are transformative.
A recent Irish Times summary highlighting a new report from the Irish National Cancer Registry supports the first part of the below statement, and of course the continued increase?of precision medicine test-treatment combinations supports the second.
“Early diagnosis is leading to better cancer outcomes, including near-total survival at five years for some forms of the disease, according to a new report from the National Cancer Registry (NCRI). A high proportion of cancers affecting the skin (melanoma), uterus and prostate present at an early stage, resulting in five-year survival of “up to 100 per cent”, according to the NCRI annual statistical report.” - The Irish Times
So, what’s the problem? Simply this; Precision medicine will remain curtailed as a force for patient good by the inequalities of market reward and published outcome evidence between testing and treatment. For many in clinical and lab practice there is no surprise that better testing of patients has the potential to radically alter their life, yet newspapers present this fact as?revelatory.
?At Diaceutics we ask ourselves a different set of questions:
If all of this seems like a wicked problem, in actuality we have never been more equipped to “level up” testing and treatment – We have greater levels of real-world data to evidence the role and value of better testing in medicine, we have labs across the globe ready to be even more proactive in rapidly supporting better treatment choices, and of course we can clearly illustrate now how every treatment choice will benefit from the clinical clarity which flows from efficient diagnostic pathways. Most of all, the broader precision medicine community is now aware of the issues above… and 50% of addressing a problem is knowing we have one.
Imagine if together we can change newspaper headlines to “better testing now the next frontier for precision medicine”.
This LinkedIn article kick-starts a series of commentary from us on this topic. Perhaps you have examples of the levelling up mobilizing already… please share as we would love to see them.