Is it time to let go of the reigns?

Is it time to let go of the reigns?

Well, where did those two years go?

Like any new role there has been a mountain of learning and this has been no different - particularly given we operate in 4 different countries! What has been surprising and definitely the most fortunate aspect of my time is the incredible business leaders I meet with on a weekly and often daily basis across a variety of industries from finance, IT, marketing, logistics and engineering to name a few.

After meeting with start ups and C level founders it's hard not to implement their habits in to your own day-to-day business life. If only I had put these skills in my earlier business ownership days the outcomes would have been incredible. As a passionate advocate of self improvement this new surrounding has given me the opportunity to reflect and improve on areas of which have held back my personal and business growth and two areas in particular stuck.

Perfection - The pursuit for the perfect system, process or technology was always on my agenda, the old phrase of "nail it then scale it" was imprinted in my mind. Albeit there are definitely positives in having the ideal foundations, certainly the businesses gaining the greatest outcomes are those that make decisions quickly even when not perfect and adapt even faster when change is required. I've learnt the old phrase of "Perfection is the best way to stifle progress" the hard way.

Momentum is definitely where the business battle is being won - make decisions, learn, adapt. Fast.

Control - I'm a recovering control freak, if they held meetings for CFA (Control Freaks Anonymous) I would have likely been front and centre. The result was inhibiting staff empowerment whilst also creating additional workload for myself, you know the old - "send it to me first," I was the bottleneck. Our best clients spend a tonne of time training and providing the right approval processes and then trust them completely to deliver - then measure.

Mistakes happen, it turns out no one is sending rockets in to space.

As we venture in to a new financial year I'm doing an audit on my personal and business goals. Get the healthy habits that are going to improve my family time with my little one, health and business outcomes. It's a time to refresh the approach, refocus the goals and ensure the next 6 months of 2019 are even more productive than the first.

Time is the new currency. Who's with me?


Anthony Mullane

Co-Founder & Country Lead, Australia @ CUB (Club of United Business) | A Members Club Connecting Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders

5 年

Good yarn Daniel Breese! Agree with both pints entirely. Proud to have you as a member @ CUB Club of United Business ??

Rhian Greaves

Authorised Representative at Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd

5 年

Well said mate.

Sarah Wade

Partnerships | Commercial | Campaign Strategy & Solutions | Client Management | Sales & Marketing | Sport, Entertainment & Media.

5 年

Yes… I know what you mean!?

Tom Redden

Owner / Manager

5 年

Completely agree Daniel Breese.

Kane Nawrocki

CEO @ Real Innovation Group ?? inSUPPORT - ITSupport thats cyber insured ??Technology Influencer ?? Innovation ?? Customer Experience ?? Technology Strategy

5 年

Daniel Breese certainly with you here mate!!


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