TIME TO LEARN? Brush up your People and Leadership Skills with our best selling CPD courses for Finance & Accounting Professionals
Gemma Shooter
Professional Development Training/Learning Partner for ESG, AI, DATA,IFRS, FLP, CPD and all Future Finance training
CIMA helps individuals and businesses to succeed by harnessing the full power of management accounting – not just accounting for the balance sheet, but accounting for business. The CIMA syllabus draws on the unique CGMA Global Management Accounting Principles and CGMA Competency Framework to equip individuals with high-level abilities to help them achieve sustainable success in both business and finance.
We provide continuing professional development services, fund academic research, develop thought leadership, monitor professional standards, maintain a code of ethics for members, and work with external tuition providers and assessment services to provide the best study and examination experience.
Heres my top selection of CIMA on DEMAND cpd for Professionals working in Finance & Accounting.
Assertiveness Imagine being able confidently to express your opinion, stand up for yourself, say 'no' when you need to and say what you mean and mean what you say. How much more effective and successful would you be? How much easier would your life be? Becoming more assertive can be immensely beneficial to everyone and can make you feel more confident, enhance your self-esteem, increase your ability to deal with difficult people and stressful situations, as well as making you happier, healthier and more professional.
Dealing with change This course looks at positive responses to change so that the individual and the organisation can prosper through change and use it to their advantage.
Delegation for success Skilful delegation is one of the most important management skills and yet it is notoriously difficult for managers to crack. When done well, the benefits are huge for the manager, the employee delegated to and for the organisation as a whole. It enables staff to learn and grow, frees up the manager's time to enable them to take on new responsibilities and finds the most efficient and cost-effective use of the organisation's resources.
Feedback that works Giving feedback, if done well, is a very powerful tool for developing your individual staff members and improving your team's performance. However, it is not always easy to do and we have probably all had experiences where it has not gone well. The good news is that it is a skill and, as such, can be learnt. Best practice does exist and it is possible to learn ways of giving even the most difficult of feedback. If you want to learn how to give feedback in such a way that the other person is grateful for it and it really improves their performance, then this is the course for you.
Handling difficult conversations All of us will at times feel reluctant to deliver bad news or to broach sensitive or contentious issues with others. Yet whether in our personal or professional lives we will, in our lifetimes, need to hold many such conversations. Being able to hold them with fairness and equanimity is an invaluable and much-admired skill. This course aims to provide you with the tools to approach such conversations with greater confidence and to be able to plan and conduct them in such a way that relationships are preserved and where possible a mutually acceptable way forward found.
Leadership and management skills During this course we’ll have a brief look at theory of Leadership. There are many books that are being written and we’ve distilled some of those key theory papers while bringing it up to date and talk about some of the current trends to look at a team. We’ll look at How to lead a team successfully? How to put a team together successfully? How to make sure your team works and consider the individuals within that team or entity that you are managing on an individual basis? Also to have a look at you as an individual and what you bring to the role of leadership?
Managing difficult members of staff Aimed at line managers, this course focuses on the practicalities of dealing with difficult members of staff. The courses discusses different types of difficulty a manager may encounter, the motivation of the member of staff concerned and how a team may react to the member of staff. It also covers practical steps needed to deal with both the short and longer term implications.
Negotiation mastery This course uses the latest thinking from Harvard Business School to achieve sustainable negotiated agreements that satisfy all parties at the table, using powerful tools to deal with the most complex of multi-party negotiations.
Presentation skills Do you feel daunted at the thought of giving a presentation? Are you confused about how to begin to put a presentation together, let alone deliver it? Do you wish that you could create and present an elegant, compelling and influential message easily and seemingly effortlessly? If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, then this highly practical and results-focused course is for you and will increase your confidence and ability.
The successful manager Starting to manage or lead a team from scratch can be very daunting. This course provides the vital practical tools and techniques for delegates to manage and develop themselves and their teams to ensure that their departmental and organisational goals are achieved.
A leader’s guide to mastering influence During this one hour course, you will gain valuable insights into their strengths as well as development areas to become consummate influencers. By creating a greater awareness of the assets and skills required to effectively influence, participants can develop the strength, the focus, and the interpersonal flexibility required of great influencers.
Managing difficult members of staff Aimed at line managers, this course focuses on the practicalities of dealing with difficult members of staff. The courses discusses different types of difficulty a manager may encounter, the motivation of the member of staff concerned and how a team may react to the member of staff. It also covers practical steps needed to deal with both the short and longer term implications.
Managing business improvement, turnaround and performance It is fair to say that not all companies have a blessed life from their inception to their stock market floatation. The road to success is paved with a wide range of corporate pot holes. The small company growing too fast. The unsuccessful acquisition. Public sector privatisation. Technological obsolescence. So many reasons for firms to become sub-optimal. In the current economic climate where the rate of technological change is so fast it is easy to get lost on day to day production and find yourself exposed to strategic risk. This course is intended to provide thinking space for those that want to make sure their company does not get into difficulty. And for those who find themselves in charge of one that is!
Change management for leaders and professionals Changes aren’t permanent…but change is! It is something that cannot be avoided and is becoming increasingly more important to acknowledge. The rate of change in almost every industry, in the environment, in politics, finance and particularly technology is faster than at any time in human development. It therefore has to be one of the key skills for any manager to identify the change, the impacts of the change and see it through to a successful conclusion. This course provides some helpful models and tools to help managers make sure that their change initiatives are successful and to help them build an organisation that embraces change in the future. Commercial nous and adding value as a finance professionals Thinking more commercially in these challenging financial times whilst spotting all the opportunities available is now more vital than ever for finance professionals. This highly practical online course has been specially designed to help finance professionals improve their commercial acumen and ensure they can deliver more value for their organisation.
Boost your emotional intelligence, boost your career Emotional Intelligence (EI) is nowadays recognised as being as important as IQ. Understanding what EI is and utilising Emotional Intelligence in the workplace can play a large part in career success. This course explores various aspects of emotional intelligence and explains how you can apply EI to your own particular circumstances.
Commercial skills for finance professionals This course focuses on the need for the finance function, and accountants in particular, to have a much broader understanding of the needs of operational management. This has grown in importance as organisations move towards Finance Business Partnering. The course concentrates on communicating more effectively, recognising our personality traits and how we are perceived by others and how to gain more influence through a mutual understanding of the linkage between financial outcomes and value creation.
Communication Skills - An Introduction This course will help you understand the importance of good communication. Good communication allows you to present your ideas and thought in a way which is engaging and persuasive. It will help you improve your ability to question, listen, form a rapport, coach and mentor and cover what you can do to feel more confident when dealing with conflict. This course is a must have for anyone in the workplace and will provide even the best communicators with useful hints and tip to help you improve your communication skills even further.
Effective business writing skills A recent survey suggests that around 90% of all newsletters and promotional material go straight into the bin (or the delete box). This is obviously a waste of time and resources, so it makes sense to use language and presentation to grab the reader's attention and make them want to read your written work. The same principles apply to writing punchy business reports and proposals. As well as helping you to sell your business, this course will help you to write clear advice letters and memos.
Handling difficult conversations All of us will at times feel reluctant to deliver bad news or to broach sensitive or contentious issues with others. Yet whether in our personal or professional lives we will, in our lifetimes, need to hold many such conversations. Being able to hold them with fairness and equanimity is an invaluable and much-admired skill. This course aims to provide you with the tools to approach such conversations with greater confidence and to be able to plan and conduct them in such a way that relationships are preserved and where possible a mutually acceptable way forward found
Presenting financial information with impact This course shows you how to present financial information with credibility and flair. For those who find it difficult presenting financial information, this is the course for you. The course will also help you make sure that your point is made clearly to enable informed decisions to be made based on the figures presented.
Smarter thinking, smarter working For professionals wanting to know how to use both halves of their brain to get more from it, think both logically and strategically, and keep one step ahead of colleagues.
Speed Reading in 10 easy steps This course provides you with 10 simple steps/techniques which can be used in isolation or in combination with one another to help you improve the speed at which you read. Before these though, you are given a bit of information about the physiology and process of how we read.
Stress management - introduction This course will help you identify the most common signs and symptoms of stress, and then go through steps and techniques to help manage your stress levels. As an introduction to stress management the course will act as a foundation on which to build on, and it will take time and effort to put these measures in place, but it will help you manage your stress from the outset.
The accountant as strategic influencer and adviser - becoming a business partner There is no doubt that some people were born with a high level of Emotional Intelligence while others need to work hard to develop it. The good news is that while IQ tends to level out the older you get, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can be developed. This course looks to provide some tools and skills to employ and develop to help the finance professional build rapport with their counter parts with in the business - and in doing so fulfil the ever challenging role of Finance Business Partner.
The accountant as strategic influencer and adviser - the role of business partner This course explains what that role looks like and briefly considers how the finance professional might get more involved in ensuring the strategy of an organisation gets implemented.
Time management for professionals We seem to be getting busier and busier with us being asked to do more and more, in less and less time. This practical course will demonstrate how to work more effectively and efficiently so that we can get more work done in less time. Not only will it improve your productivity but will also help you to achieve a less stressful and more enjoyable way of operating, both within the organisation and outside it.
Project and stakeholder management During this course you’ll look at techniques to make sure that you identify the right project for your organisation. Secondly looking at understanding some of the project dynamics making sure the governor's structure is right and the project structure's right ensuring that you've got the right skills in place to be able to complete the project successfully.In addition we’ll cover the key elements of stakeholder engagement, who to talk to, when to talk to, and the sorts of people you may need to engage with, and how to engage with them, as well. We'll have a look at a couple of the methodologies that are currently out there, those that are very structured and quite bureaucratic, to those that are much more free flowing. Finally the importance of going back and reviewing the project and making sure you learn the lessons from whatever project you've undertaken.
All courses above qualify for 1 CPD credit each .
For all group online bookings and corporate licence's please email [email protected] or call 07834 523585
Individual bookings can be made via https://www.cimaondemand.com/