Joel Elveson
My successes as a recruiter are intertwined with the achievements of those I have helped.
By Joel Elveson
Hickory Dickory doc the mouse ran up the clock! Be aware of the time you are keeping as with each tick-tock on the clock moves the hands of time closer, ever closer to the end of your life. The time you spend watching the hands of that which moves your life forward is time you borrowed from yourself. Where it has been is there for you to see. Where it is going is only for “him” to know. Yours is to keep going only stopping and resting yourself for fleeting movements as the clock continues to move forward. Each 24-hour cycle is a new day when you need to say thank you for your eyes opening signifying the eternal one has given you yet another day.
Time is a constant in all of our lives. Stop wasting time! How much time will this take? Where did all the time go? What time is it? I need more time! Only time will tell. Time heals all wounds. We worry about time all the time but rarely pause to really think about how we are spending our time. The time we are given from the moment we are born is pre-determined. From this, we learn to cherish the time we had and the time we have now. It truly takes an undeterminable amount of time to know time.
Is there such thing as having time on your side? Time never sits idly by for any of us. Do not pretend to think that everything that is time is unlimited. Unlimited time is not an increment we can measure as it does not exist. Nothing in this life is truly unlimited as if that were the case time would never exist. Nor should you think we are the keepers of time as we are not and never could we be. While we can try to keep to a time we can never be its keeper since that is not the way things were intended to be according to he who created it.
The time that was given to you is not equal to, greater than or less than the time that was given to me. Inside each of us, there is a clock that we run off of which is as unique in the way it functions as the person whose use it was solely intended for. There will be times (few and far between) that our internal clocks will run concurrently with each other. At some point, the concurrence of the two or more internal clocks will ultimately revert back to moving in a rhythm all their own as it drifts away from each of us. The misguided notion that we are all bound together in one space or time is heretofore judged to be invalid. You may question as to why this is so but the answer will be elusive or vague at best.
The path that you run on or the trains you ride upon are not cornerstones that hold us up to a higher plane that will embark you (us) on a journey through the times of times. Insofar as to where in a vast darkened stratosphere you will disembark from your travels angling back to where your time was kept and preserved will never be revealed. Exactly from what was mentioned above will be kept for a pre-ordained allotment of moments you or I or even they were there for?
If we only knew what the correct hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds are or where do they actually originate from we could then begin to know how we must grow to accept these as being so. A world was created with the purposeful avoiding mention of any mechanism used in or for measurement. As this world or a world took shape it was then and only then were markings made for future use. An illumination from a strategically placed star would only present itself always at that exact point when it was supposed to be. Soon the dazzling ball of fire would displace the star allowing it to be dominant in the sky until the star would ascend once again. This pattern exists to this very day without fail while now being known as day and night.
Under the dark laced cover of secrecy comes the revelation that in the greater scheme of things you can change your personal time to an extent but never change the course of time. We all live our lives not knowing what is going to happen next or how something that occurs or has already occurred can change our destiny if as I have said it is meant to be so. Our purpose is on file in the heavens where each deed has an impact. Each deed has an impact on time. Each time an impact is made time will alone be the judge as a final tally of you is made.
Your inner most instincts drive you forward or move you back. A sudden slip or a slide outside will not define you. When a new temporary tally is made about you a new set of rotations around the sun, moon, or stars may be in order. Time though lacks for instinct as it also lacks for drive. However, it is time and time alone that provides the space for both. Time does not allow itself to lack for time. It was during a time that was not specifically recorded in any order giving credence that there now needs to be a way for man to plant his feet and announce “I am man and I am here.”
Fear not in what you perceive is a change in the pattern of time. You only know what you think you are feeling. Your sizeable senses do not provide for any advantage when contemplating trying to desensitize any portion of what it was that led you to believe something is not the same as you remember it to be. What you remember is not something as it had been but a mere moment that was framed and frozen for you to be cognizant of.
I cannot guarantee that what I said is exactly as things are. I am not unlike you even as different we are from each other. Of course, I am traveling in time that is set to a rhythm we both without ever knowing it we are sharing. The people or activities I share my personal time that I hopefully have had a hand in arranging you are here to be with me but very possibly not here with me. This exercise in abstract written thought is very much esoteric.
There was much that was said here which came from many influences as they make reference to events as we have learned them from our bibles in addition to our oral laws. We have always been with time even though we often feel we are slaves to it. As illustrated earlier in this piece was the thought that we have to begin to bind ourselves to the fact we do not know or own time. Yet we must somehow come to an understanding of exactly what it is if such a thing is possible.
Thinking and writing in the abstract is nothing new. Both writer and reader have a need to experience this although it is not really a new style. Your mind must be expanded to allow for attempts to retrieve what has just been put forward in front of you so that what was hidden from view is now bathing in a new vantage point for you to entrench into your psyche as if it (the meanings behind the words) had always been there. You have been awoken from a slumber to get into sync with either the greater time or just the time you may feel you have created on your own.