It is time to invest in Turkey

It is time to invest in Turkey

   84 millions populution, 17th biggest economy in the world, most of the populution are young and well educated, qualitative roads, electricity, water sources, health, education, many fields' infrastructures are better than many developed countries, it is possible to experience four seasons at the same time in the country, climate is sunny, 3 sides of the Country is surrounded by sea and the seasides are Medditeranean, Eagean and Black Sea, perfect beaches, entertainment places, luxury hotels... west side is situated in Europe, east side - in Asia... Construction quality is high, industry is well developed and still developing especially in the field of heavy industry. According to its history, as a member of Turkish countries, Turkey is determined as the opening gate of Turkish world, also has respect and a special place in the Muslim world.

   For 4 years according to the exchance policy and covid effects, Turkish Lira lost so much value, also land and properties value decrease in Turkish Liras. In 2016 March 1 USD was equal to 3 Turkish Liras, today 1 USD is 8,31 Turkish Liras. At the same time, also many lands lost its value between 30-50% because of the crysis so it means that when we compare with 2016, lands and properties lost 4 times value and nearly 25% of its past value.

   Every 5 years Turkish land and property sector have this circulation and after these period, we allways saw the 4-5 times increasing of their prices within 1-2 years and for upcomming years, again it goes on 1-2 times more than this previous increasing years.

   Turkey is also safety place for foreign investments with the laws and regulations...

   I am working with many investors from many various countries. According to my land development experience,  in many countries i allways represent choosen, precious and well-known investors and now i insist for the time that: 

''It is time to invest in Turkey!''

   If you would like:

  • to earn good money in the near future,
  • to improve your business and enter to the Turkish market,
  • to get Turkish citizenship,
  • to live in a paradise, in an economical and safety way or with your any other reasons,

i declared you that 

"it is time to invest in Turkey..."


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