That Time I Was Smote
Evidently I committed LinkedIn sacrilege. I questioned an expert. He's a fair man and seemingly nice to know. At least he was until he ended his reply in a passive aggressive manner.
His post was about the number of users on LinkedIn. Do you have time to meet seven hundred sixty million people? Would you want to? No one talked about the size of the membership until Microsoft bought the site.
The site that is NOT LINKEDIN has 2.8 billion users. Does that include people who closed their accounts? I was bothered on one site and wanted to cancel. I could not find how to do that.
I have an active profile and never check it. There are too many social media sites and after I was chastised in a chat room for trying to figure where the conversation was going? I was glad that I never "Upgraded". Why pay to see more pictures of members I shall never meet? That site was abandoned and when I complained? No one ever responded.
Obviously they do not care about that. Berated in a chat room for asking "What is going on here?" might be an underlying reason I don't bother with Clubhouse. Would I not be chastised there? I doubt the good would outweigh the bullying and antisemitism.
Strange that is how I perceive that site. As for the man who mentioned the number of LinkedIn accounts? I mentioned it means nothing. You can only connect with thirty thousand and it is unlikely any member has more than one hundred active connections that respond and engage.
People come and go. The response I received had his reasons for stating why this is an interesting metric. Fair enough. He ended with the passive aggressive "Thank you for expanding my reach."
Smell that? A bridge was just burned. That is what one says to trolls. I was not trolling. While it was not reason to block? I see no reason ever to respond to one of this man's posts or to so much as read them. We were not connected so he would not miss me. It is a disappointing ending to someone who has been tagged as a nice, informative person on this site.
Not to me he wasn't. Different people have different relationships. One lady posted a dance video from a few years ago. It looked like a high school reunion in Hell. Many people I did not connect with were jumping up and down like their lives are better than yours and it added no value whatsoever.
Turn it off. As I fight pollen trying to muster the strength to make it to work the last thing I need is trouble on social media. I can streamline my posts. Trouble is? You cannot unfollow someone you were never connected with. Too bad- my memory is long and he will probably view my profile with no desire to connect. Don't waste your time as I shall no longer waste mine.