TIME How we screwed up our relationship with the universe and how to get it back, Part 19 By Dr Eric Zabiegalski and Per Brogaard Berggren
Dr. Eric Zabiegalski
Author, Strategist, Coach, Friend. Senior Consultant at Avian
Special Spiral Edition
A few weeks ago I had a dream and while I couldn’t remember all of it, I did remember how it made me feel; wonderful.? I felt so good because I had figured it all out, what had I figured out?? Everything. Success, fortune, happiness, life, all of it!? On and off for the next several days I thought of that dream and that feeling, trying to recall the details in order to discover the secret I had found, and lost.? As is often the case with the mind the more you dwell on something (trying to force remembrance) the more elusive it becomes.? Best to put those things in the subconscious and think of something else and then it will pop to the surface like a fishing bobber and, “viola,” you suddenly remember, so that’s what I did.?
A few days later while watching a video about an obscure medieval mathematician I’d never heard of, sure enough, the dream came rushing back, it was Fibonacci!?? In my dream, I was studying something known as the Fibonacci numbers created by mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci (pronounced “fib-o-notch-ee”)? Fibonacci numbers are numbers referenced in history as far back as 200 BC that are part of a specific sequence showing up randomly in mathematics and perhaps more importantly in biological settings (nature) such as in the branching in trees, in pineapples, artichokes , pinecones , sea shells , daisy petals, and honeybees.? Fibonacci numbers or the Fibonacci sequence is also related to something called the golden ratio which is a ratio between two numbers that equals 1.618, a number that frequently appears in art, architecture, and nature. Though I dreamed of them I did not know it was the Fibonacci sequence I was dreaming of until I learned of Leonardo of Pisa. In my dream I was looking at a whiteboard and on it were written 3 or 4 sentence (word) groupings in paragraphs and they were moving and swirling, turning before me in a spiral like that of a nautilus shell.? I (now) understood it to mean they were moving in a Fibonacci sequence.? Weird. What does this all mean? I’m still not sure but what I was sure of was that it (the secrets I discovered) involved words, math and sequences, and a spinning, spiral action. ?When I shared my strange dream with writing partner Per Berggren of Denmark, he noted the Fibonacci scale is also used in the agile method (a software development approach) similar to Scrum development for planning, known as planning poker – where each participant has a deck of cards with a number from Fibonacci to estimate the “size” of a given task. “It works really well” Per says – all sessions include everyone on the team and incorporates total joint planning.? It’s a good way of creating coherence and mutuality. ?As if in a twist of serendipity (see what I just did there?), I had a chance encounter while finishing this article with a post by LinkedIn contributor and publisher at the Universita di Pisa Italy Claudia Ciardi (yes Pisa) entitled "Fibonacci in the sky. Fibonacci everywhere.” Check out Ms. Ciardi’s great post share HERE.
Spirals, the universes darling, and its song
Nature loves spirals, they’re everywhere in the universe!? Alan Rayner of the UK, evolutionary ecologist, writer, artist, and philosopher speaks of and incorporates spirals frequently in his art and writing, have a look at Alan on LinkedIn and I guarantee you’ll be captivated.? Could the spiral be the key unlocking the secrets of life in the universe and bridging the very big to the very small, the microcosm to the macrocosm? From the spirals of galaxies to the cycle of life, from water circling a drain, to my dog joyfully spinning circles around me before a walk, they’re everywhere. Spirals have also been a common theme in many of Per and my articles in this series. Look for them and you’ll see what I mean.
Music and math
The top image in the paragraph before this one is a graph of the first nine harmonics of a harmonic (mathematical and musical) series. The bottom image is an x-ray of the inner structure of a conch shell, do you notice anything Interesting??
“They say music is a science, don't you think?” ?That’s what LinkedIn writer and researcher Desiree Driesenaar asked musician and Doctor of music Rexleigh Bunyard, I’m inclined to agree. In a coincidental conversation I recently had with both of them while writing this article Rexleigh said “I have been a musician all my life, but I cannot say what music is, certainly, it has mathematical and scientific features.” “From where I am standing,” she says, “it appears to be a myriad of symbolic soul elements and pattern-chronologies of human existence, a universe of swirling stars, in which we are also stars wrapped in skin.” To quote the poet Rumi, "They say the light we are seeking has always been within." Desiree says: “after observing how a harmonic series and a conch shell are similar (see picture above), I feel that this connection and our ancient understanding of music may lead to a deeper understanding.” ?Pythagoras is considered to have created the theory of music by combining intervals and mathematical calculations to create notes for the major scale. It turns out our ancestors understood everything before music theory was ever developed, it was Pythagoras who said: “The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their divine nature, not entertainment.”? Per says connecting with divine nature is potentially where the idea of “jamming” or jam sessions and improvisation has its roots. Those not acquainted with this phenomenon often think it’s a type of magic but there’s “structure” and syntax in the game.? But it’s not a “set” sequence either because it involves sensing the context and situation in the events that are developing in rapid succession. Per says life can’t be calculated by a formula, yet the ingredients (if reduced enough) can be calculated in a non-relational sense, as “things” entities we can count – but its only together, relationally, that they produce life, being joined they become viable systems.
Using the analogy of a dictionary it becomes obvious Par says.? Even though I know all the letters in the alphabet it’s not possible to compute all the words in a dictionary, mindfully it creates massive amounts of mental noise and would not enable one to communicate semantically in a meaningful way. Even when you semantically know the meaning of all the words you would still be constrained by culture, hexis, context, disposition, and the mood and emotion of both yourself and others. Music and art Per claims produce a shared space through the senses – and you do not have to understand anything.? One is free to simply sense and form an opinion, which would not be entirely calculable. Additionally, Sir Roger Penrose on the quantum nature of consciousness would agree, suggesting that there is something additional here in awareness that is beyond simple left brain computing and even right brain big picture thinking, something in between, combined, created. In his words, it’s “consciousness and physics,” within us and outside of us at the same time.? Watch the short illuminating discussion HERE
Like the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio the secrets of the universe may indeed be found in spirals. ?Deseree says that Fibonacci is not the only sequence in nature, and botanists say it's also not the one most abundantly used. All nature is created in math/geometry sequences and there is one formula, the Lame-Gielis Superformula, which is a generalization of the traditional Pythagorean theorem that can generate a wide variety of complex shapes found in nature from which to measure and create sequences.? The Superformula allows for the creation of shapes that can mimic natural forms such as flowers, shells, and other intricate structures. The mathematical equation combines elements of trigonometry and algebra to generate complex and visually appealing patterns.? ?According to Deseree, it’s been proven for 40,000 dynamic phenomena occurring in nature and in the 25 years since its inception has been used in everything from quantum physics to neuroscience to radio antennas, cardiology, architecture, and more.? Called the "king formula of biomimicry", many scientists are now convinced it will help to bring us well beyond Newton and Einstein.
Lichtenberg Figures
There's a Buddhist saying that suffering (at least mental suffering) is caused by a resistance to life.? But why would we resist living to the point of suffering and who or what within us would be doing the resisting? The ego?? As hard as it might be to understand (or believe), the egoic mind quite often has an agenda which is different from the one you or I might have in our conscious mind. First developed along with our sense of identity around six to eighteen months, at least part of the ego’s job is to protect us when we are more vulnerable, as well as interpret the external world, our thoughts, and fulfill desires and needs.? When there’s resistance to life and what’s happening in it, quite often it’s the ego and our identities pushing back on things (on life) which would otherwise make sense if we didn’t protest.? What is the best way to live, to move through life, and how much resistance is enough? How much is good, needed? Without it (resistance) there would be no life and no movement as you could not “push-off” from somewhere, anywhere, without something countering your effort (resistance). Too much resistance however, and you can’t move. Too little, you also can’t move. ?
The above picture is from something called a Lichtenberg figure and it’s created by energy and the natural path energy (in this instance electricity) travels through the material world.? Could these designs (pathways) render clues about the path of other things as well? creativity? Intuition? Non-dual energetic human pathways? Similar to friction and natural pathways writing partner Per says he’s been screaming about the importance of permanence for the past decade or more.? Not to be mistaken with “permanent,” it’s a malleable state which has its home in context and always knows its perennial birthplace, a dynamic stasis.
Spiral time machine
Is time travel possible? Most would say no but in a sense we do it all the time. Reflecting on the past, projecting our thoughts and intentions into the future, even experiencing premonition and precognition, that someone will call, or something has happened that you are not consciously aware of yet.? You could say one definition of the human mind is like that of a ping pong ball bouncing from the present to the past, to the future and back again, is that time travel? ?Most would agree that things like time travel or astral projection in the classic Hollywood sense or fiction novel isn’t possible. But maybe our thinking is wrong. And maybe that’s holding us back from time (and space) travel that is possible.
In 1990 in a remote village in Siberia two Russian scientists, Dr’s Kaznacheev and Trofimov, conducted experiments using the scientific papers of a 20th century Russian maverick physicist you’ve most likely never heard of.? Is it possible that Astronomer Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev discovered how people could literally (in an energy sense) time travel and astrally project? ?And is it possible these scientists uncovered long lost breakthroughs in physics regarding the nature of time, space, energy, and matter?
In the 1930s, Nikolai Kozyrev, was considered one of the most promising new physicists in Russia, the world even. At the time his notoriety and influence spanned the globe. A brilliant scientist and inventor, Kozyrev had strange views for his time but that may be at least partially understandable considering his isolation in a Russian gulag prison from 1936-1946 for what was deemed “counterrevolutionary activity.” His imprisonment was the result of Stalinist purges of the Pulkovo Observatory started by a disgruntled graduate student. This isolation, while it kept him from knowing and researching many of the greatest scientific achievements of the time, also allowed Kozyrev to focus on his own work as he was allowed to continue his research from prison.
What did he discover and invent? While it might be easy to dismiss Kozyrev as eccentric and subsequently that’s likely the reason many have never heard of him, his discoveries, theories, (and inventions) demand we take a closer look. In 1958 Kozyrev reported volcanic activity on the moon.? Later, the Apollo lunar missions proved Kozyrev was right. Kozyrev also theorized that bodies in the universe actually “twisted” in a torsion motion emitting what he called “torsion fields” as they moved, this was also theorized and proven by the Einstein/Carten theory, upgrading Einsteins theory of general relativity. But perhaps most shocking of all, many believe Kozyrev created a device still experimented with today by governmental agencies which can allow humans to travel great distances through both time and space. ?
Time from a physical sense is a constant, courtesy of the big bang and an expanding universe, it’s called times arrow. But according to Kozyrev, time can also be influenced by human consciousness with our thoughts and feelings which can affect the physical world and because he said time is a physical force with energy that can be sped up or slowed down it could also be concentrated and redirected.? Kozyrev unveiled a theory that shocked the world when he said a mirror could be made that could bend anything, including time.? He concluded through theories and experiments that time-travel was possible through this mirror, and then he built one to prove it.
The Kozyrev mirror
A?Kozyrev mirror?is a device made from?aluminum?(or other reflective mirror-like material) bent into a spiral shape surface and based on the Fibonacci ratio and sequence.? When introduced by?Vlail Kaznacheyev?(based on Kozyrev's theories),?he said it was able to focus different types of?radiation?akin to a magnifying glass, including the types of radiation that come from biological objects. Kozyrev mirrors have been used in experiments related to?extrasensory perception?(ESP) such as the United States project Stargate and projects carried out by the Soviet Union which are now popularly known and the stuff of Hollywood films.? But the experiments conducted in the Institute of Experimental Medicine of Siberia, division of the Russian Academy of Sciences were quite serious and produced some eyebrow raising (successful) results. Humans, entering into cylindric spirals placed within two separate research facilities 1600 miles apart allegedly experienced and shared anomalous psycho-physical sensations, which have been recorded in research experiments and are public knowledge. Learn more about the experiments including transcript subject accounts HERE.
Back to the nature of time. What does Time, energy, and torsion (another of Kozyrev’s theories) have in common? Maybe nothing, or maybe as suggested out-of-body interstellar travel.? Think about this. light traveling from a distant star onto the earth and into your eye, what medium does it move through in space? Mainstream science says it moves through nothing. Kozyrev said that's impossible, the medium that it moves through is the ether.
The ether
Is outer space a vacuum? an impenetrable void to which nothing living can move through unsupported? To our physical bodies this appears true, but Kozyrev believed the energy side of us could cross this void. One of Kozyrev’s most compelling ideas involved what he called the ether. It’s described as the medium filling the upper reaches of the heavens, and space. Traditional science says space is empty, but Kozyrev disagreed, claiming that this invisible medium (the ether) filled the universe.? The idea of the ether has been around since ancient times but was abandoned after 19th century experiments failed to detect it. But just because it wasn't detected doesn't mean it isn’t there. To understand what the ether is think about birds flying in air or fish swimming in water.? These creatures need and use the mediums of air and water to move and live. Different from traditional and ancient theories about the ether, according to Kozyrev the ether isn’t a static passive medium, it's dynamic and interacts with everything, even time, and time isn’t a passive dimension either.? Kozyrev said time possessed energy and structure, and this “time energy” flows through and interacts with the ether.? Like the way a school of fish creates waves in water, Kozyrev said time creates ripples or waves of torsion in the ether. In this sense time creates motion. Incidentally, American physicist David Bohm also thought space was not empty but instead was what he called a “plenum” or a medium similar to water or air, the realms with which fish and birds traveled through.?
Torsion fields
What is a torsion field? Think of it as electromagnetic twisting. Kozyrev believed that time is a physical force actively participating in the universe's existence and created these torsion fields.? The heartbeat of the universe, it creates energy that impacts matter and space and because time has a physical structure and energy it could also have different densities. Time can move at different speeds, could be sped up, slowed down, and even move in reverse.? In an informative (and fun) video about the life and achievements of Nikolai Kozyrev you can learn more HERE.?
The video explains that in our daily lives we perceive time as a river we are floating down, the current of time carrying us from the past through the present and into the future. One thing which is overlooked in this metaphor however is that water flowing down a river also influences the landscape it flows through, the life that grows on its banks, as well as the things floating in it.? Kozyrev felt time had the same effect as this river, influencing everything from gravity and electromagnetism to humans and life, influencing physical matter including the earth and the people who live on it. To Kozyrev, time energy influenced the spin of galaxies and the orbits of planets, every star in the universe and the way they shine. Time energy influences the weather on Earth, the way plants grow and even how your DNA decided what color your eyes would be.? Back to our raft metaphor. In the video it’s explained that if you're in a raft on a river and you do nothing, you'll float along with the current but with a little effort you can paddle the raft to go faster down the river you can make the raft stop, and though it takes work you can also go backward against the flow of the river.? Kozyrev said time works the same way we only perceive time at our current point as we float along (our most common perspective), but the river behind us is still there and the river ahead is there too though we're not aware of it until we get there. Time like the river is always there, past, present, and future at once.? When the torsion from time energy ripples through the ether that information is transmitted instantaneously everywhere and Kozyrev proved it.? He conducted experiments with pendulums and gyroscopes to detect torsion fields and time energy using a telescope and found them everywhere.? This suggested to Kozyrev that not only was torsion real, but it also moves faster than light, it's instantaneous.? This suggested that the past and the future are metaphors, there is no past or future, there's only now.? He believed since this interaction also occurred between time and the brain, explaining concepts like intuition and foresight as consciousness tapping into time energy.? During the recreation of Kozyrev’s mirror experiments in the 1990’s it was discovered that during celestial periods of high electromagnetism (solar flares and storms) incidence of astral projection and extra sensory perception among test subjects were higher and more successful. ??
Circular theories
Why should we take Kozyrev’s theories seriously? It turns out he was right about a few things like the lava fields of the moon and many of his theories are still being debated and studied today. The Einstein-Cartan Theory which upgraded the theory of general relativity with the feature of torsion is just one.? The theory proposed that the fabric of space-time doesn't just curve due to mass and energy, it also twists. This twisting, according to Einstein, came from the spinning of subatomic particles. But Kozyrev took this a step further, saying the torsion was not just caused by spinning particles, it was caused by the twisting energy of time.?
Space vacuums
So that still leaves the problem of life not being conducive to this vacuum of space. While our physical bodies can’t live in the vacuum of space what if another part of us, our energy selves, can, and do, and we just don’t know it yet?? Is it possible we haven’t yet (consciously) discovered and recognized this medium of the ether and the river waves of torsion (time) energy rushing, swirling, and moving it and refined our abilities to paddle, float, swim against or with the current, and to swim? ?Do you think a fish knows it lives in water or a bird knows that it travels through air? Time will tell. ?What if our energy selves already can and do travel through this void and to far-reaching places but we aren’t aware of it? How would this change space travel and, closer to home, travel around the globe? And how would it change our relationship with time, our behavior, with everything? As physicist Donald Hoffman at the University of California Irvine says, “there’s all this (potentially habitable) real estate in the cosmos waving at us saying hey, we’re out here come visit. ?But we can’t get to it because it’s too far and moving away from us at a faster rate than we can physically reach.? But what if we, through learning, awareness, and the coalescence of the works of brilliant thinkers from history like Kozyrev, and Einstein, and all the others then and now, are able to figure it out together? Watch Professor Hoffmans conversation HERE. ?
Spiral thinking
Awareness is a word that’s thrown around a lot and one that I suspect people avoid. Unless you’re using it in a classic, tactical, terra-ferma sense it quickly becomes “woo-woo,” metaphysical, and vaporous, but it doesn’t have to be that way. ?I mention this because the definition of awareness has a firm, grounded place in reality and in our discussion as the ability to see more wholistically and clearly (even if just a glimpse) beyond the veil of the material, physical, in-your-face world we move through daily.? Along with observation and our inner dialogue chattering at us about what we did and what happened yesterday (and that we should do it again), these three are tools that when used correctly will help us be our best for ourselves, for humanity, and for the world and larger universe. ?I write about this cognitive self-management life changing approach in my 2023 book UNTHINK, all you have to do is nothing , check it out to learn more. ?So awareness, like the word awakening are not magical, mystical, or even difficult concepts to understand or achieve, experience awareness enough and you will eventually reach an awakening. Humanity is slowly waking up in these regards, we need to do it faster.
Here’s a final thought: Per and I wrote in a previous article that Professor Hoffman theorizes that “time”, and space, are not ontological primitives, not the foundation of reality, the bedrock, saying that he and other scientists are detecting mathematical structures behind space and time and that he thinks those structures represent a universal “consciousness” which is the true foundation underlying everything. What if he’s right but there’s another piece. What if consciousness is the grounding reality of everything and it and time, time energy, time torsion, the great electromagnetic river, are one and the same? Are we waking up to the realization that we are witnessing, feeling, living, listening to, and with increasing frequency playing and singing along with, what Pythagoras called the music of the spheres?? life? Thanks for reading! Eric and Per
Dr Zabiegalski and Per Brogaard Berggren are available to talk to your organization or venue about ambidexterity research or speak informatively and eloquently about organizational culture, leadership, strategy, learning, complexity, IT, business neuroscience, creativity, mindfulness, talent management, personal success, emotional intelligence, Action Learning, and storytelling. Contact Eric, or Per on LinkedIn about a talk, keynote presentation, or workshop today!
Leadership Thought Leader | Writer | Podcaster | Social Catalyst "Inspiring personal initiative for leadership impact."
6 个月If my friend and professional musicologist and composer is correct, then the recovery of our relationship to the universe will end up with music. In my podcast conversation with Michael Dodds, Playing Music (https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/michael-dodds-the-play-of-creating), he says, "Music is the crowning art of the seven liberal arts … and reflects the other liberal arts." If so, then this music we make together will revivify the classic virtues of Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity. Something our world is missing.
Author: Writer of stories about consulting, leading, and living wisely and songs about joy and woe
6 个月Dr. Eric Zabiegalski I've had the dream of which you speak, Eric. The one where I've figured out life the universe and everything, but can't name it, and awaking can't remember it. I confess that reading this last piece, with all its new information (to me) and startling connections and brilliant images, I have that same feeling - -reaching almost graping -knowing that these little truts are connected and probaly brilliant, but not quite within my grasp - - yet. As I think we have corresponded abou, I love spirals, I have doodled the triple spiral since I was at least eight. Then I discovered the symbol in Celtic art from 500 BCE and then I discovered it on the curbstone at the megalithic monument at Newgrange northwest of Dublin (~3200BCE) and in some Sumerian temple decoration somewhat earlier. I was enamored in high school with The Chambered Nautilus by Oliver Wendel Holmes, Sr (poet, critic, father of the Supreme court justice) "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul," See the whole poem here https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44379/the-chambered-nautilus I don't remember when I was i expoused to to the golden mean, or the Fibonocci sequence or the minute spirals in the work of Benoit Mandelbrot link below.
?? Integral Guide | ?? Visionary Leader | ??? Podcast Host | ?? Author | ?? Neurodivergent |?? Advocate for Conscious Collaboration | ?? RSA Fellow
6 个月I love your exploration and findings, Dr. Eric Zabiegalski. Curiosity in the formations and reflections of reality has been a life-long journey for me. Findings have often illicited a squinty-eyed or even aloof view from others. Over the years so many connections and reflections have evolved through experience, inquiry and realization. Here's a piece I wrote nearly 20 years ago originally. https://mothershipcafe.com/fibpage/ It has some updates, yet still reflects much of what you say here just a bit differently, combining experience and prior knowledge to explore some spooky action at a distance in modern terms relating to a collective consciousness and activities that are emerging today. We can just step back, analyze and project. We must discover the living in love and being loved as designed, imho. This is an interesting exploration: https://youtu.be/GnEWOYKgI4o?si=gjy-hJgy7mW9vxrl
?? Bridge Builder
6 个月In the Salon360 discussion last week, teachers were quoted for saying that we move from arithmetic to algebra so we can learn trig and calculus and eventually get into college. Aka there is no purpose learning higher math but to get to college. I posit that given the prevalence of Sin-curves and all what is in your posts, learning math to pay respect to our own double helix and heartbeat is a higher purpose. ?? Melissa Hughes, Ph.D., ?? Jeff Ikler, ?? Mark O'Brien, Zen ?? Benefiel, ?? Dennis Pitocco
Patent Attorney ?? FOGARTY IP (Partner)
6 个月Great article, Dr. Eric Zabiegalski. Let’s not forget Euler’s sick math skills, too. Here’s a humble submission for the spiral dictionary: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/imagined-realities-generalrealitymedia-m06hc