Other than using both hands to aim, the only gun control we need in America is to control who gets guns. Maybe we need to do medical record checks in addition to doing background checks. It has been said that anti-depressant drugs are connected not just suicides, but to homicides and mass shootings. Almost all the school shootings were perpetrated by students who were either on anti-depressants or just coming off them. We take a boy and send him to school when he is five, by the time he is eight we have psychologically evaluated him and if he is hyper, we put him on drugs.?I have talked to child psychologists and I have been told that is too early to make a diagnosis of ADHD or ADD.
News flash! All boys are hyper and most teachers especially in inner-cities are stressed!?Drugs that affect the chemicals in your brain are not the answer, we dope children and old people because we don't want to put up with them.?In my day we cured Attention Deficit Disorder without drugs and early on, but I digress.?Then we take junior from eight years old to sixteen and give him violent television and video games, like The Walking Dead on prime-time television and games like Call of Duty; where you basically just go around shooting everyone you see. Sound familiar? These kids spend so much time on a screen that a neurotransmitter made in your brain called dopamine begins to cause them to be addicted and not able to quit. One day the suggestive themes in the media they are consuming are enhanced by the drugs, outside influences, and failure to fit in to society;?then something snaps, reality and fantasy are difficult to distinguish and they start to plan to escape their lives by acting out their fantasies. The lines are blurred by conditioning that started at an early age. We cultivated an environment for ultimate violence in adolescence. One form it may take is bullying, it is discouraged but normal in most public schools.?When a disturbed child snaps and kills the liberals say, “Guns are the problem.” Not stolen or illegal guns, the ones honest citizens carry to defend themselves. That's like saying pencils misspell words. Really, are they?saying that the psychologists and authority figures who ignore warning signs and prescribe drugs that are unproven and potentually dangerous are not the problem??Another point is almost all?the shootings by?disturbed individuals were committed in gun free zones.?The schools who want children on drugs so they can cope with them are just contributing to the problem. The pharmaceutical companies are contributing to the problem by supplying the drugs so they can use them to make ginny pigs of our children. To keep from being sued the pharmaceutical companies warn you?if you have “suicidal tendencies you should contact your doctor immediately,” but by the time you have suicidal tendencies you are looking for a way to carry?something out.?You aren't going to tell your doctor, and the pharmaceutical companies don't mention anything about homicidal tendencies. Why are activist groups and pharmaceutical companies not held accountable for what they enable disturbed people to do? Why is it the liberals and mainstream news sources are blaming the gun? If someone beats someone to death with a bat, they don't blame the bat.?The video game industry, Hollywood, rock musicians,?and?rappers promoting suicide and violence are not held accountable either.?Look at the games in your favorite game store and you will see that most games are first person shooter games or wrapped around some form of illegal activity. In fact, most games designed by the most popular game systems except for sports and car racing games are all horror, first person shooter, or homicidal in nature. Yet they say their games are not responsible,?maybe not to well-adjusted mentally stable children who can separate fantasy from reality. What about those that are on drugs and not so well adjusted, a daily diet of these things can be dangerous to others who don't fit that description. If you add drugs that change the chemistry in the brain in ways the doctors have no idea how they work or what damage they do you have the perfect formula for a mental breakdown. These games have a built-in addictive dependency. You can play these games online with thousands of people you don't even know and you will be changed to some degree.
The statistics of how many of our children in public schools are on drugs?is staggering and?the problem is?carrying over into adulthood. I have counseled with adults who said they could not cope without anti-depressant drugs. The prescription drug problem in America is worse than the illegal drug problem because it's legal, and some want to legalize marijuana (pot).?Liberals and mostly the baby boomers, the pot generation are behind it of course.?It would cost more than it would be worth. There would be an increase in?medical costs, rehab centers, psychiatric counseling, and vehicle fatalities. It makes no sense to put pot out for the general public to abuse.?Now we have the millennial generation coming of age and generation Z, and they are already on drugs. How is taking guns away from honest law abiding citizens who have a right to defend themselves going to help the drug problem? Honest citizens need the guns to defend themselves against what the society is producing.?Public school administrators and educators are helpless to control the situation too because the politicians are tying their hands in not allowing them to defend themselves either.
Let's quit blaming the tool, and focus on the mechanic. If you take guns away from average citizens the criminals will still get guns on the black market.?The?Texas church shooter committed his crime with an illegal weapon, and was stopped with a legal weapon. The police did not come, a neighbor with a legal gun stopped the shooting spree and saved no telling how many lives. Even if you could confiscate all the guns (which you can't) would you rather have mass bombings instead.?No one wants to ban dynamite, fertilizer, chemicals, pipes or wire.?Even if you couldn't make a bomb you can make a machete. People sliced up with swords or machetes are really mutilated and messy to clean up.?Not meaning to be gross, but with guns the victims die less painfully and quicker and sometimes survive, but if you are cut to pieces you bleed out pretty quick even if your wounds aren't fatal.?Bombs are much less forgiving than guns also, and they kill larger numbers of people.?Terrorists and drug crazed psychos won't stop attacking innocent people in gun free zones because they don't have a gun. They may use airplanes, bombs, or pollute the water to execute people.?If we?ban legal guns like the socialists want to, we will?reap the whirlwind for our stupidity. I live in a gun rights sanctuary county where local laws prohibit any gun restrictions that go further than the Second Amendment. Open carry or Constitutional open carry is a law that would make carrying a gun possible without a background check or concealed carry permit, you would only need the Second Amendment to carry a gun. A sheriff in Texas required citizens to carry and the homicide rate was actually reduced considerably. Criminals are afraid of citizens who can defend themselves.
What about all the gun violence against police and the public in general??Would taking guns from law abiding citizens accomplish anything except to make the good guys criminals, more vulnerable, and less secure.?There is no link between gun restrictions and lower crime rates involving guns, in fact it's just the opposite. The police used hundreds of rounds to defend themselves against Christopher Dorner, but the liberals think you can defend yourself and your family with ten bullets in your magazine.?They distort the facts by calling semi-automatic rifles "assault rifles", they are not.?The Vegas shooter had fully automatic weapons, those are assault rifles and you are supposed to have a license to own one.?No one is investigating that. Even illegal aliens get guns, it's not the legal guns we should be concerned about. Another reason a wall on the Mexican border makes sense, not to mention the drug and human trafficking that would be thwarted by it.
The socialist agenda being pushed by progressive Democrats produces tunnel vision on topics like this, but there are similarities in the mass shootings of recent years they and the media are suppressing.?For instance, the fact that most of the shooters were on anti-depressants or had an agenda.?The multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry wouldn't want that to get out.?Anti-depressants cause suicidal thoughts, and many times can lead to suicide or homicide.?In the most recent school shootings most?of the shooters had a history of mental issues and were prescribed anti-depressants.?No one talks about banning anti-depressants, they talk about banning legally obtained guns that people who have never shot anyone own.?Why, it fits their political agenda better, and the pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists have the politicians in their pockets. They can't attack the prescription drug problem because they need their money and influence to keep their cushy Washington jobs.
Liberals accuse conservatives of being “a Hitler,” but the socialists or progressives emulate Hitler more than conservatives. Socialists, communists, progressives are all the same. Our children do not know historically what communism is, or who Karl Marx is, and what he taught. They need to start teaching history in school again, and not the re-constructionist history they teach now.?The first thing socialists like Hitler did to control the population was take the guns away from the populist. A totalitarian government sees people with guns as a threat. Free medical, education, etc. has strings attached, it isn't really free. If you believe that it's free I have some ocean front property in Montana and a bridge to sell you. All that free stuff will cost you your freedom and bankrupt the country. Socialism has failed everywhere it was tried in the world. One of the deterrents to an American invasion has been that socialist countries know that millions of American homeowners?have a gun. During the last election one candidate proudly said he was a “Socialist," and promised free college education. Have we forgotten Karl Marx, Mussolini, and Adolph Hitler? Why is it possible to say you are a “socialist” still and get votes, what are?millennial?voters thinking? Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it! Those that claim to be socialist?should be run out of?the country, they are traitors. Americans are going to lose all their freedoms if they don't get their heads out of the sand, even the freedom to think what you want to think and say what you want to say.?That's the danger of being politically correct, who?gets to decide what is hate speech and what is freedom of speech??The left can be pretty hateful and they get a pass.?America is the greatest nation on earth because of their form of government, faith in God, and yes capitalism no matter what liberals (TV commentators and sitcoms) say.?Russia broke up and went bankrupt because of socialism, why would any country want to follow their example? Thomas Jefferson said, “When people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Most people today do not trust the government and fear its repression and retribution. Socialism is a poison that progressives have embraced, and it sounds better than communism. During the cold war era Khrushchev said to Kennedy, “We will destroy you [America] from within without firing a shot.” He was referring to infiltrating our government with socialists and they have kept their promise.
Guns are already harder to get legally than bomb material, knives, and other weapons of mass destruction, yet we don't ban knives or swords.?I saw a horror movie when I was a boy where a psychotic person stabbed everyone with butter knives.?People will find a way when the real problems are ignored in our society to carry out violent acts of mass destruction.?Why do the liberals concentrate on guns, can they not see the forest for the trees? They concentrate on our guns because they want to disarm American citizens. In the end it won't be said that we had our rights taken away from us. It will be said that we gave them up one by one. A muzzle length here, a magazine capacity there, inch by inch we will give more and more. Ignoring the real problem only escalates the problem more. If guns are banned, we will find that won't solve our problem because guns are not the problem. If guns are outlawed people will die in much larger numbers, and in many more ingenious ways; America will be more vulnerable, and individuals will be more in danger.?Do you really think a terrorist who has his gun taken from him will stop being a terrorist???
We can stop public mass murder to a great degree if we stop drugging children and start spanking them again. If we stop being afraid to instill patriotism, faith, and character in public schools again. Our founding fathers weren't afraid to do so.?Thomas Jefferson said it was impossible to govern without God and the Bible. That's why Congress begins each session with prayer. Make children say the Pledge of Allegiance before schools starts again, not to the flag of their choice, but to?Old Glory. Make the entertainment industry clean up their act and pay for intervention, like the tobacco companies had to pay for cancer treatment. Make it illegal to prescribe anti-depressants to children under 21. They can't get alcohol until they are 21 and these drugs are much more dangerous than alcohol. Encourage responsible gun ownership for self-defense. All the shootings happened in gun free zones and in many cases in states with the strictest gun control?laws in the country. Those laws saved no lives, but a good guy with a legal gun did.
We created this problem; America now has an opioid prescription drug problem and the drug reliant kids diagnosed with ADHD prematurely have been on drugs since grade school. School terrorism won’t go away by taking AR-15s out of circulation. If you are shot with a rifle, a pistol, or stabbed with a knife, machete, or samurai sword it doesn’t matter. Drug crazed kids who are on or coming off of anti-depressants will still go into schools and kill people. You can’t blame them any more than you can blame a rabid dog for biting people, but they do need to be stopped. They won’t be stopped by issuing fewer Concealed Weapon Permits or banning certain guns. In my State no one with a concealed carry permit has ever committed a premeditated murder. Gun bans don’t work against mentally ill students whose minds are fried by years of taking dangerous drugs. All gun bans will do is make criminals of millions of law-abiding citizens, because they won’t give up their unregistered guns. This is America, we have a Second Amendment that is essential to our freedom, and you should thank God we do whether you own a gun or not.?When a liberal says, “America is no longer the greatest nation in the world,” and starts rambling on about all the other nations in the world that are supposedly “free” nations ask them a few questions.?Can you own and carry a gun in that “free country?”?Can you own property??Can you say anything you want about whoever you want in that “free” country? In Canada it is against the law for a minister to read part of the book of Romans from the Bible, is that “free?” I will stick to my capitalist "free country" that was once the richest, most academically superior, and most powerful country in the world until the liberals came along.?Think about that when a candidate says, “I am a socialist.” In the years immiately following WWII if anyone had said they were a socialist they would have gotten the boot. Terrorists are socialists!
One other point to consider, the intent of the founding fathers in crafting the Second Amendment.?One liberal politician said, "The Second Amendment does not give you the right to own an assault rifle," but he was wrong.?The purpose of the Second Amendment was to arm a citizenry sufficiently so that if a totalitarian, or oppressive government got too big again (and tried to tax and control the people like the British government they broke away from) they could overthrow it and restore a Constitutional Republic government by the people, and for the people again. I'm not advocating anarchy, but if we really want to get down to what kind of weapons "law abiding citizens" should be able to own; the modern definition would be whatever is greater than what the government has. Some would think that is insane, but that is the original intent of the drafters of our Constitution. Again, I am not saying everyone should take that to heart, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has a tank and he hasn't declared war. ?It's time to stop the rhetoric and address the real issues before more innocent people are slain and that has nothing to do with banning guns.?Guns are already banned in schools and public buildings. The people who want to ban guns live in a bubble that prevents them from comprehending reality.
The problem is not guns and the new unconstitutional gun bill does nothing, not one thing that will prevent school shootings. It's aimed and citizens who legally own guns. The mass shooting problem will never be resolved because the government won't look into the real problem, their hands are tied because the pharmaceutical companies are untouchable. We are conditioning kids to become homicidal and kill themselves. When a shooter enters a school innocent children are on their own, which is why teachers should be able to carry guns as one Texas school has already done. These cowardly homicidal maniacs go into schools because they know everyone will be unarmed. There should be a way to lock down doors and hallways too with remote gates, and cameras should be monitored in hallways and classrooms by school security inside the school. School security should be deputized and have access to helmets and Kevlar vests. If police with body armor can't engage shooters in the building there has to be ways to reduce the carnage. I guarantee you none of these things will even be seriously considered in Washington DC though, if the experimental drugs are discovered to be the problem parents of victims should be able to sue the pharmaceutical companies like they unjustly sue the gun manufacturers but that will never happen. If a drunk driver kills your loved one, you don't sue the automobile manufacturer or the judge that put the drunk driver back on the road. Our guns will be the scape goat the government will use to give false security to misinformed liberals and we will be at risk.
?????????????????????"Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end?up
??????????????????????plowing for?those who kept their swords."??-- Benjamin Franklin
? 2017 Evangelist Art Shady --- Updated 6/28/2022
Anyone can reprint this as long as they give credit to the author and include this link.
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that is so true?