Is it time to grab the dental floss?
David Leventhal
Executive Leadership | Integrator | Leadership through Integrity, Authenticity & Conviction
I like proverbs - those little maxims I can put into one of the tiny crevasses in my brain to give me a better shot at living a life of wisdom.
Consider this ancient proverb:
"Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned??Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?" (Proverbs 6:27-28)
First - to be true to the author of this proverb - the immediate context of his proverb addresses the carnage that occurs when a man enters jumps into an adulteress relationship with someone else's wife. His point is that there's no price you can pay that will stay the wrath of a scorned spouse.?It's "the hell hath no fury" idea.
But there is a principal that transcends that particular situation & it is well worth our time as we kick off 2022. This transcendent principle deals with cause and effect - put another way it's the "law" of reaping & sowing. When I refer to it as a "law" I'm putting it right up next to something like "the law of gravity."?That is to say - this is all all all places.?
This is the thing that, at pretty much any point in our lives, guides us to to the answer of the question, "What were we expecting to happen?" All we have to do is simply work backwards & look at what we've been sowing in the particular area in question - last year...last month...yesterday...five minutes ago. It's one of those principles that we build our life on - whether we know it or not.
Be warned: You & I will reap what we sow. This is a fact & the quicker we come to terms with this law the better we'll be able to navigate our career, thrive in our relationships & be a blessing to those around us. This law works?positively as well as negatively.?For example:
There's a lot more that could be said about the law of sowing and reaping.?We could talk about how what you reap is often multiples more than what you sow. We could talk about how there is a time component that occurs between sowing and reaping.?We could talk about the increased benefits of preparing the soil prior to sowing.?Honestly, we fill volumes unpacking this concept.
But - here's the good news - you and I can start tossing seeds out today.?You don't have to take huge steps - just take a step. I had a mentor in college who would say that developing a habit is like using dental floss. It doesn't matter how long it's been since the last time you flossed - you can simply pick up some floss today and start flossing. It's really just that simple.?
Change does not happen by accident. It requires that we start. And once started that we act with purpose and that we invite others to help hold us accountable (I contend that nothing truly great has ever happened in isolation - bring others into your journey). If we want change - we have to start moving that direction & we start moving in that direction by throwing down some seeds that will lead to what we want to grow.
So, go grab you some dental floss…
David Leventhal where is that picture taken. Unbelievable. I need to read what you wrote, but picture is worth 1000 words