Time to GO - but WHERE?
Carol Maloney-Scott
Talent Acquisition Leader??| Career Coach????| Donut Enthusiast ??| Wiener Dog Fanatic ??| Story Teller ??
I was sitting in the daily recruiters meeting with our manager. I was working at a staffing firm placing IT professionals with local companies. I dreaded this meeting every day. It was a bit like Groundhog Day.
One guy rolled his eyes every day and almost got into a fist fight with our manager, and the other guy smiled like he had no idea there was a problem and exuded a fake cheeriness that made my stomach hurt. The third recruiter, a woman and a good friend, was on the phone in the conference room, since she lived out of state and worked remotely.
Lucky her.
The tension was making me sick and I was routinely crying in the parking lot when I pulled into the office in the morning. Not full bawling, but it was getting bad enough that I was having a very difficult time hiding my distress.
Long story short - I went back to my desk after that meeting and looked at my impossible, frustrating assignment for the day and made a decision - I was quitting.
That's right - I was a single mother at the time with no business quitting a job without having another one lined up, but I could not sit at that desk and pretend to live this life like a normal person for ONE MORE SECOND!
I ended up employed again in a few months, and made a pivot to corporate recruiting, which turned out to be a good move for me.
Sort of.
You see, in the long run it wasn't a good move because I was running AWAY from something instead of running TOWARDS something. I had no plan, guidance or direction.
If you've ever felt this way, or been through this scenario, you know it's an emotional roller coaster, and don't we have enough of those in our personal lives?
If you've had enough of your job, career field, boss, etc. - LET'S TALK.
I wish I had made a PLAN instead of zigzagging all over the place. You can arrive where you are meant to be with much less drama and heartache if you have a supportive, knowledgeable partner along the way.
Give yourself the best holiday gift of all, and let's chat about your situation, and you can decide if one of my programs or offerings can help you pull into the parking lot full of enthusiasm in the morning, and head to your desk with purpose and energy.
You don't need more caffeine to get going - you need a passionate purpose.
Remember, work CAN and SHOULD be fun!