Time to give back - some great charity partners at 3Search

Time to give back - some great charity partners at 3Search

Each quarter, we at 3Search commit ourselves to help a charity within the UK. From raising money to donating and volunteering, we always want to get stuck right in and show our appreciation and support to those who dedicate their lives to charity. 

With the British winter coming in thick and fast, and Christmas right around the corner, this quarter we’re dedicated to donating and aiding ‘Crisis UK’ and ‘Shelter from the Storm’, both amazing charities with an amazing cause.

Our very own consumer recruiter and charity queen, Jasmin Eastwood, has spent the last 4 months volunteering for these charities, and we wanted to do our bit to show our immense support.

So, who are these charities?

Crisis at Christmas:

With over 50 years dedicated to campaigning for the eradication of homelessness from our streets, Crisis is the UK’s number one charity in offering year-round education, employment, housing and well-being services for the homeless.

“We are the national charity for homeless people. We help people directly out of homelessness and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether.”

Shelter from the Storm:

Shelter from the Storm is a completely free emergency night shelter, providing bed, dinner and breakfast for 42 homeless people every night of the year.

“Our mission is to house and support the homeless in London whoever they are, wherever they come from. Our vision is of a society where charities like Shelter from the Storm are no longer necessary.”

Starting from one night in a church hall, to now a rapidly growing shelter that operates every night of the year, free of charge to guests, the charity responds to the most marginalised people on our streets.

Our Impact…

Working with both of these amazing charities, we made a conscious effort to donate the most thought-provoking and functioning gifts for everyone. From thick hats gloves and scarves, tinned food and treats, to gift sets for Christmas Day, we hope we have thought of everything!

After hearing about the amazing work these charities have done over the years and the impact they have had on many lives, we wanted to be more involved than just donating. Several of our consultants went to the shelter to drop our donations off and to see first-hand the immense work that goes into running such successful charities. 

We met with Duncan, who has been volunteering at the shelter for over two years, cooking up a Mediterranean storm in the kitchen! “As I am retired, I have a lot more spare time and I think it is important to help people who are not as fortunate as I am in life. Being in the kitchen is a hobby of mine and so it is great to be making meals here at the shelter each week. I feel a sense of satisfaction when we put together a big meal for all the guests”.    

Success Stories!

It’s not all doom and gloom! These incredible charities have had a huge impact, not only on the streets but in the government as well.

Crisis UK has seen major movements in legislation, favouring the eradication of homelessness in the UK. A commitment set by the government to end rough sleeping by 2027 was a recent strategy put in place, delivered by the new Rough Sleeping and Homelessness Reduction Taskforce. A £30 million fund was also put in place for councils with high levels of rough sleepers. More recently, The Homelessness Reduction Act was implemented in 2018, ensuring that thousands more people get the support they need to prevent and put a stop to their homelessness.

Shelter from the Storm has also seen huge breakthroughs in their work. 173 guests this year have successfully been placed into accommodation, with a total number of 15,330 beds provided so far this year. 90 guests have been supported into employment, alongside 54 guests sourced with legal advice.

These impressive figures will only improve day in day out with the constant support and aid from everyone. By doing our bit, no matter how small, one day, everyone will spend Christmas in a loving home, away from the cold cobbles of our streets.

What can you do?

It’s not too late to sign up and volunteer to help out - any contribution goes a long way. From being a night owl assisting in the night shifts in residential centres, to being involved in wellbeing services, such as hairdressing or looking after a guest’s dog, there is plenty you can do. Even just being there as a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to, it all helps in making every homeless person that little bit less lonely at Christmas.

To find out more about what you can do and what’s on offer at Crisis UK and Shelter from the Storm, click these links.

Outside of our efforts for Crisis and Shelter from the Storm, our Strategy and Transformation team, Richard Longstreet and Harrison Short took on the Movember challenge and raised £500 for a fantastic cause which is dedicated to raising awareness for men's health, from prostate cancer to men's suicide. Well done to the chaps for making it through the month with that top lip growth!


3Search is an award-winning UK recruitment consultancy, specialising in marketing, strategy & transformation, and tech positions. Whether you’re seeking new talent or looking for your next career move, we can help. Learn more at 3search.co.uk.


