Time to Get Up
Can you remember the chant from parents or siblings repeatedly teasing you to get out of bed! Time to get up, time to get up, time to get up .......you know the remaining words to that chant. That was so annoying wasn't it, getting woke up before you wanted to? I was never a late sleeper except for Saturday when I had to do chores. Rules on Saturdays at our house were dressed and fed by 9a.m. and then chores till noon. The caveat was being able to play after the chores were done with no hassles from the parental front!
But now we manage our own time and today and tomorrow, we all continuously get out of bed and commence with our day whether it is for work, appointments, children, spouses, early zoom meetings, or our first cup of coffee. Are you happy to get out of bed and are you self-driven and motivated? Are you glad morning has rolled around?
Being a morning person has its advantages but, there is a 'mental game' involved with wanting to get up to take on things for someone else or just to handle all the responsibilities we've managed to pile on our individual lives. Freedom from responsibility isn't so available nowadays because we've built lives where it requires constant attention. So much so, we even think about it in our sleep. How often do you wake up in the morning and are happy to start another day? The answer could be, not that often. Here are seven tips that will help to manage stress in order to feel ready to meet the next day of your life.
Getting up from our warm, safe, and alluring bed to face another day when the day ahead can be full of responsibilities, challenges, clean up, long workday and family. Not to mention, maybe the night of sleep before was unfulfilling and restless. If you can remember, we all get the same 24 hours and we can manage it the best we know how and try to add a few of the tips above to aid in eliminating more than you can handle and ongoing daily stress. Stress isn't good for anyone. If you don't take care of you, highly unlikely you can take care of anyone else.
Anne Spieker is a sought-after Life Coach, Author and Speaker. You can find her at [email protected], or www.acutecoaching.com.