Time to Get Real
It seems there is a lot of focus being placed on the wrong things lately. Violence erupts all over the country because of racism and hate. People start focusing on tearing down statues and monuments. People jump on President Trump for not speaking out quick enough. A devastating hurricane destroys lives, and people start focusing on a church not opening its doors fast enough or what type of shoes the first lady wore to Texas. Most of the people who are so concerned what kind of shoes Melania Trump is wearing are missing the point. So I am betting their feet are dry the whole time they are complaining about what shoes she wore. I have got a fashion statement that is actually worth worrying about. Are the knees of your pants wore out? Are you praying for the people who have lost everything in the wake of the hurricane? Are you praying for the people who are getting their feet wet trying to do anything they can to help others? Are you praying for God to show up? Are you praying for our leaders who are working on ways to put the pieces back together? So yes that includes praying for President Donald Trump. Love him or hate him, he was voted into office. We should be praying that God will be his guide him in doing an incredibly tough job. We need to start focusing our energy on wearing out the knees of our pants. We need to stop doing just enough so we can remain comfortable in our little lives. It is time to stop playing church and get our feet wet, and that starts with wearing out the knees of our pants. Pray for Jesus to lead you to someone in need. When He does lead you to that person in need, take action. I do not care what side you stand on any of these issues. I do not care what the color of your skin is. I do not care what political party you belong to. I do not care who you voted for president. What I do care about is standing together and helping others in need. I care about lifting each other up in prayer. It is so easy to step up and do what God is calling you to do. To truly step up and help someone begins with you dropping down to your knees and listening to what He would have you do. God can fix all of these problems in our world today. There is power in prayer!!